Ho hum, TFG's foot-dragging on signing standard ethics and transparency pledges – which finally ended on Thursday – means that his Cabinet will be behind on its "work," since signing those pledges was a necessary and legal precursor to gaining access to sensitive government servers. You know what's happening here, right? They're going to blame Mr. Biden for all their early mistakes. Because that's what ball-swingers do – blame everyone else for the problems they cause.
Matt Stoller says that TFG will have to "pick two out of three" among high tariffs, high corporate profits, and low prices. My guess: he'll pick high tariffs and high profits, because, after all, his people won't be paying for them! Only us "little people" will! After all, how can you keep stoking rage against convenient "others" if people aren't already miserable? Again, ball-swingers never fix a damn thing; they just cause more problems, in the hopes you'll cleave to them harder.
Factcheck.org expresses a justified skepticism that TFG will be able to pull off mass deportations. Long story short: he likely won't get the shock-and-awe he supposedly wants – for a variety of reasons, not least of which is that coordination between various agencies would be extremely difficult – but then that's not really his aim: his aim, as always, is to look like he's doing his job without actually doing it, and then blame other people when he fails. All of that is apparently just dandy with at least 77 million Americans.
Oh, but TFG doesn't want to stop there! His Administration will continue trying to deport naturalized American citizens, under the guise of rooting out "fraud" in the naturalization process! My guess is naturalization "fraud" is about as prevalent as voter "fraud" or SSI "fraud," which is to say virtually nonexistent, and certainly not proven by hysterical anecdotes or bogus statistics. Will TFG's 77 million votaries protest when the folks they know and love who are obviously citizens also get deported, as always happens with mass deportation efforts? I'd like to think so! But I won't hold my breath.
TFG's Reign of (T)error won't end there, as ProPublica describes how he might simply decide not to spend money Congress has appropriated – as part of his plan to gut our government, of course! Since no "Department of Governmental Efficiency" not actually created by Congress will mean a damn in the eyes of our laws! The plain language of the law and of at least one Supreme Court ruling tell us he's wrong about his plans to use the Impoundment Control Act to his advantage – and again, cutting spending that dramatically would make right-wingers happy, when the whole point is to keep right-wingers enraged. But we'll keep fighting TFG's efforts to make our country his fucking plaything.
Finally, Elon Musk appears to be publicizing the names of certain federal government workers he wants fired, which of course has led to threats against said workers. Of course, I don't blame Mr. Musk as much as I blame the knuckle-draggers who think threatening federal workers gives them large dicks, but he knew this would be the result, because it always is, so he deserves blame for enabling them. This is why you don't put assholes in charge of anything. It's also why a healthy society doesn't let assholes get this rich in the first place.