Long story short: tell your Congressfolk to rein in government spying, strengthen voting rights, and issue a code of ethics with teeth for our Supreme Court Justices. Use the tools in the upper right-hand corner of this page (or, if you're on a cellphone, the bottom of this page) to find your Congressfolk's phone numbers and/or use the email/petition tools in the following paragraphs.
Defending Rights and Dissent helps you tell your Congressfolk to pass the Government Surveillance Reform Act, which would, at long last, force federal law enforcement officers to get a fucking warrant before looking at all the information our government collects (or buys from third-party private data-collecting corporations, which the GSRA would also stop). Seriously, get a fucking warrant! It’s all I’ve ever asked! Sorry to drop f-bombs there, but that’s what our government deserves for pretending that what worked for over 200 years suddenly stopped working because 9.11. You’ve noticed no one whines about the “war on terror” anymore, right? That’s because Tha Bush Mobb used it to grift America, and they succeeded, so now everyone can pretend they were never all that big a jerk about it. But I will never forget.
Public Citizen helps you tell your Congressfolk to pass the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, which would plug the hole our Supreme Court blew in the Voting Rights Act with their Shelby County v. Holder ruling. Our Supreme Court said the Voting Rights Act unlawfully discriminated against Southern states, but the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act would address that objection by ensuring that any state or locality with a record of vote suppression, regardless of their location within the U.S., would come under additional Justice Department scrutiny. So don’t believe the hype that we don’t need to pass this bill because “the South has changed.” Why would they be afraid of additional scrutiny if they’re doing nothing wrong?
Finally, the National Women’s Law Center helps you tell your Congressfolk to pass the Judicial Ethics and Anti-Corruption Act, which would hold our Supreme Court Justices – who have been reported with their hands in all kinds of cookie jars lately – to the same ethics standards to which all other federal judges must adhere. What’s that, you say? You heard that our Supreme Court developed and released a code of ethics just recently, one that broadly resembles the code of ethics for all other federal judges? That is to laugh! Yeah, our Supreme Court put out a voluntary code of ethics a few weeks ago, but it ain’t hard to imagine each and every one of them (not just Sam Alito or Clarence Thomas!) imagining that whatever gift they’re about to receive is the “exception” to all rules. That’s why we have laws, good peoples!