You've no doubt heard by now that the "stimulus" bill Congress has agreed to pass includes the return of the 100% three-martini lunch tax break. These are truly irredeemable people "representing" us in Congress -- who looks at millions of jobs lost and millions of folks without health insurance and millions of folks about to get evicted and says hey, I know what'll fix this: let's max out the three-martini lunch tax break? Actually, we do know one person who says that: our soon-to-be-ex-President; it sure is nice to see him locking in on the important things as 300,000-plus Americans lay dead. I say call your Reps and Senators (using the tools in the upper right-hand corner of this page, or the bottom of this page, if you're on a cellphone) and tell them to reject this "stimulus" bill until the three-martini lunch tax break is removed like the cancer on our society it is. Don't worry that "people will get hurt." The only people who'll get hurt by such a rejection will be the Reps and Senators who'll have to stick around until they get this bill right -- which they could do, as I've said more than once over the last seven months, simply by passing the HEROES Act.
Meanwhile, you've no doubt also heard that almost half of the more than $1.25 billion raised by our soon-to-be-ex-President's re-election campaign somehow got diverted to a shell corporation run by our soon-to-be-ex-President's daughter-in-law and Vice President Pence's nephew. This diversion just so happened to help the campaign dodge campaign finance disclosure rules, which is a shame, since the few individuals who know where the money all went sure are tight-lipped about it. You'd be tempted to think this is the thing that finally weans his supporters from him, but of course you'd be wrong again, not that I'd blame you for hoping. No, nothing, not even him stealing their own damn money, will ever prompt our soon-to-be-ex-President's votaries to reject him; he makes them feel so good about the pain they inflict on others, after all. But Public Citizen helps you tell the campaign to reveal exactly where that money's going. They don't care, especially now, but when we confront people over their wrongdoing, we always win, at the very least by exposing their evil to the light.
I expect I'll be posting much less until the new year, and so I wish all my readers a happy, prosperous, and peaceful holiday season. I'm grateful to you for reading, but I'm more grateful to you for being the best Americans you can be; keep it up, because your country will need you more than ever in 2021.
UPDATE. I wrote this post before both Houses of Congress rammed through the stimulus bill mentioned in the first paragraph, but go ahead and call them and tell them to strike the offending provision anyway. It never hurts to let them know how you feel.