Uh oh: Federal Aviation Administration inspectors say their bosses pressure them to overlook airline safety issues. Lest you think this corruption unique to our current Administration, attend testimony that our FAA started treating airlines with kid gloves in 2015, replacing the regulatory model you'd come to expect from a government agency with a "mutual cooperation" model. Don't believe the FAA's hype that one death in 10 years justifies their "mutual cooperation" model, not if a) said model is only five years old and b) we all know it takes time for serious rot to set in -- just as big telecoms aren't censoring all your favorite websites just because the FCC repealed net neutrality, airlines aren't going to discard all their safety standards right away, either.
George Goehl asks "Who Is Blocking Medicare for All?" And answers: centrist Democrats and big health care corporations, both of whom would be endangered if Medicare-for-All comes to pass. Upon hearing that a consortium of hospitals, health insurers, and big pharma corporations spent $143 million last year to fearmonger about Medicare-for-All, I thought maybe there'd be better uses for that money. You know, like providing health care to actual human beings. I mean, that would really be the best way for big private health care providers to keep customers around. Or is that a quaint philosophy?
Ho hum, drama-addicted, six-figure-making HUD official possibly violates Hatch Act by tweeting something political from her government account, then says she "honestly (doesn't) care" whether she broke the law or not. Not caring about breaking the law would mean a lot more if the law in question was obviously unjust and oppressive, rather than a minor inconvenience easily avoided with a laughably small amount of restraint. She doesn't seem like the kind of person who values restraint, though -- she just jeopardized her career with a not-funny taunt of Rep. Ocasio-Cortez, for heaven's sake. In other words, she's the real snowflake, not those who'd criticize her. Funny how often it turns out like that.
In a peripherally-related note, minor-league baseball club apologizes for airing a purported Memorial Day tribute video that sandwiched a photo of Rep. Ocasio-Cortez between photos of Kim Jong Un and Fidel Castro while intoning about "enemies of freedom." I'll admit, though, that when I read "(w)e’re embarrassed we allowed this video to play without seeing it in its entirety first," I thought they meant to say "we're so sorry we did this thing we'd like you to think was a complete accident but was actually on purpose so we'd get free publicity." Anyway, skip the Fresno Grizzlies next time you're in town, and I say this as someone who has enjoyed plenty of minor league baseball games.
Finally, from the "Somehow Not 'The Onion'" file: our Department of Energy calls natural gas "freedom gas" and "molecules of U.S. freedom" in a press release. If you had been wondering exactly what kind of stamp Rick Perry would leave on the Department of Energy, now you know. (In a related note, a few weeks ago I dreamed that Rick Perry switched back to the Democratic Party for no particular reason. Of course Joe Biden promptly made him his running mate!)