Congress is considering H.R. 3989, the USA Liberty Act, which purports to reform Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act so that our government's snooping on foreign targets wouldn't result in our government snooping on innocent Americans, though of course this is exactly what happened, and H.R. 3989 would actually renew that unconstitutional surveillance! Until the threat has passed, no doubt! At which point Chancellor Palpatine will happily abdicate! S. 1997, the USA RIGHTS Act, would go considerably further toward restraining our government from Hoovering up information on law-abiding Americans without a warrant, so a coalition of good-government groups helps you tell your Congressfolk to reject the USA Liberty Act and protect good Americans from being spied upon by our government by supporting the USA RIGHTS Act. Remember: merely talking to a foreign citizen doesn't mean you give up your Fourth Amendment rights. At least, the Constitution says so. That still counts for something, right?
Meanwhile, the FCC will only take comments for a few more days (which sure makes you think they really want to hear from you, doesn't it?) on its naked attempt to loosen media consolidation rules mainly so that the pro-Trump Sinclair Broadcasting Group can assimilate even more local TV stations like the low-rent Borg that it is. Hence both Free Press and Demand Progress help you tell the FCC not to loosen media consolidation rules. Hatred of a media landscape where a handful of large corporations own every media outlet is one of the few things liberals and conservatives share -- the only people who want more media consolidation are a) Republicans who have ideological objections to any attempt to control corporate behavior and b) weakling Democrats who are so smart, they're dumb. But most Americans know that big corporate control of local media makes that media less responsive to the needs of local communities, plus it's a job-killing juggernaut. If only our leaders were as good as the people!
Finally, if you've missed previous opportunities to tell Congress to pass H.Con.Res. 81, which would require Congressional authorization to go to war in Yemen and would thus stop (at least temporarily!) our involvement in Saudi Arabia's war in Yemen, then CREDO still helps you do that. Roll call! Over 10,000 Yemeni dead, seven million more Yemeni near the point of starvation, the world's biggest cholera outbreak, and the systematic extermination of the Houthi rebels, who have proven to be among the world's best ISIS-fighters (and here you thought the Trump Administration was "laser-focused" on fighting terror!). I bring these things up yet again to remind us that we're not only being cruel by helping Saudi Arabia find targets and refuel planes, we're also being stupid. Odd how frequently that happens! And if we'd only followed the Constitution in the first place, and demanded that Congress authorize the President to engage in war-making activities in Yemen, we very likely wouldn't be in this mess.