In the wake of Hurricane Harvey's devastating path through southern Texas late last week, Moms Rising helps you tell your Congressfolk to properly fund Harvey relief efforts, and the Sierra Club helps you tell your Congressfolk to ensure that any funding package addresses the "long-term community impacts" of the hurricane as well as the short-term ones. Also, CREDO helps you tell the Trump Administration to reverse its decision to revoke the Obama-era Federal Flood Risk Management Standard, which would have helped rebuilding localities better prepare for the future weather events -- and which would also, as Rep. Curbelo (R-FL) sagely pointed out this week, have saved the taxpayer money, since having to rebuild infrastructure again and again because you didn't adhere to strict standards the first time tends to cost money. Of course, the Trump Administration, like most of Our Glorious Elites, only sees the short term -- specifically, the short term in which executives suck all the money out of a project and then escape before it goes bad. But that's no reason for us to lie back and take it.
Meanwhile, Pennsylvania residents, take note: HB 722, which would curb partisan gerrymandering of Pennsylvania's state and Congressional legislative districts by taking the matter out of the legislature's hands and putting it in the hands of a bipartisan redistricting commission, now has nearly 100 co-sponsors (out of 203 total Assemblyfolk!) -- but the chair of the House State Government Committee, the notorious Daryl Metcalfe (R-12), won't hold hearings on the bill, and has even gone so far as to say "I don't hear from a lot of people" about the issue, which more likely means "I don't hear from a lot of my big donors" about it. And of course he wouldn't! Big donors don't want the system to work any better for good Pennsylvanians, because then the gravy train might be gone. Hence Common Cause reminds us that Mr. Metcalfe's number in Harrisburg is 1.717.783.1707, and his number in Cranberry is 1.724.772.3110, and so you may call him and tell him to schedule a hearing on HB 722. You may remind him that HB 722 counts at least 14 members of his own caucus as co-sponsors.