You've noticed that the Trans-Pacific "Partnership" includes a dozen Pacific nations but not the biggest Pacific nation of all, China? Find yourself relieved that the TPP at least doesn't give away our jobs and wages to a nation that combines the worst of totalitarian politics and neoliberal economics? Better sit down, then: our government is working on the China Bilateral Investment Treaty (or China BIT), subject to even more secrecy than the Trans-Pacific "Partnership," and we know why they kept that one secret -- because it would give corporations even more power than they already have and allow "investor-state tribunals" to nullify our laws. Of course, China BIT supporters say we have to "promote more foreign investment" in America, as if there's no way to do that except to make the rule of law worthless in America. Which is what, class? A hostage crisis, that's what -- let corporations nullify our laws, they're saying, or the foreign investment gets it! CREDO helps you tell your Congressfolk to reject the China Bilateral Investment Treaty.
Finally, since voting is topical this year, Common Cause helps you tell your Congressfolk to support H.R. 2867/S. 1659, the Voting Rights Advancement Act. We've already seen a lot of shenanigans this year -- voting booths unexpectedly unavailable or opening late, voters unexpectedly finding their party affiliation changed, voters of color having their credentials scrutinized more than white voters -- and the Voting Rights Advancement Act would help fix all of that, by mandating that any state or municipality with a demonstrated history of voting rights violations must submit any changes in voting rights or elections laws to the Department of Justice for pre-clearance. The Court threw out the Voting Rights Act's old pre-clearance formula in Shelby County v. Holder, arguing that it unfairly punished Southern states, but also stated that Congress could create a new pre-clearance formula that could pass muster with the Court. The Voting Rights Advancement Act has that formula, so let's get to it.