CREDO helps you tell House Speaker Paul Ryan and House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy to bring H.R. 2867, the Voting Rights Advancement Act, to the House floor for a vote. As you know the Voting Rights Advancement Act would answer the Supreme Court's concerns that the Voting Rights Act unfairly singled out Southern states by revising the Voting Rights Act so that it requires federal pre-clearance of change to voting laws not from a list of Southern states, but from any state or municipality, anywhere, that demonstrates a pattern of voting rights violations. Of course, H.R. 2867 has "only" 158 sponsors -- not 310 like H.R. 599, the Email Privacy Act, another terrific bill which just can't seem to get a vote in Congress -- but we have just as much right, as citizens, to tell Messrs. Ryan and McCarthy to bring the bill to the floor for a vote as we do to tell our own Reps to support the bill. And regarding Mr. Ryan's stated desire to "defer" to Congressional committee heads: I must have missed the part where we all elected Judiciary Chair Bob Goodlatte as our President.
Meanwhile, if you've missed previous opportunities to tell Congress to help Flint, MI replace it's now-corroded lead water pipes and to fix our nation's water systems wherever they need fixing, then Food and Water Watch helps you do that. Don't believe the hype that we're just not going to "find the money" for that! First off, a nation that "can't find the money" to ensure its citizens, who pay taxes after all, have clean drinking and bathing water is a sick, immoral, and decadent nation, and we, as Americans, should never tolerate such sickness, immorality, and decadence from our "leaders." Second off, there's plenty of money to do the job -- you just have to pry it from the hands of the parasites who have it. Corporate CEOs who run up debt on their corporations not so they can invent new products and processes, but so they can buy back stock? The banksters who loan money to allow them to do this? Well, that's just two places where we could "find the money." All the corporate tax loopholes that do nothing for our economy but make CEOs richer? That's three. I could go on.