One, institute a draft, so we can triple our fighting forces in Iraq. General Shinseki said we'd need that large a force to lock Iraq down, and he was fired (or "forced into retirement" or whatever) for it, so he must have been on to something.
Two, institute a massive income tax increase on the top one-fifth of one percent of the population. From 33% to 93% should do it. One ought to fund a war one wants to fight, and one ought to fund it at the expense of those who'd benefit the most financially therefrom.
Chickenhawks who do not have the will to do these things can take their "traitor" and "defeatocrat" and "surrender monkey" and "helper of terrorists" and "objectively pro-Saddam" and cram it.
UPDATE. Paragraph one rewritten, so you don't think General Shinseki called for a draft, which as far as I know he didn't (he just thought we should move a lot more troops into Iraq).