You might have noticed that Andrew Puzder's nomination as Secretary of Labor has been, well, somewhat delayed -- by his apparent inability to submit the necessary paperwork in a timely manner, that inability itself brought on by (stop me if you've heard this before!) a complex web of investments that would raise conflict of interest questions. And unlike President Trump, Mr. Puzder would be bound by law to resolve any such conflicts. Well, we the people can put this matter to rest by swarming our Senators' phone lines with requests that they reject the nomination of Mr. Puzder to head up the Labor Department. (Remember to call both their D.C. offices and their local offices, particularly if their D.C. offices still purport to have full mailboxes.) You could cite Mr. Puzder's numerous conflicts as a reason, or you could cite his virulent hostility to overtime pay and paid sick leave and even breaks. No, I'm serious -- this is a guy who looks at someone on a break and sees someone who could be doing something. You and I, being people who do actual work, might look at a worker on a break and see someone who needs to recharge and collect oneself, but then we're also not folks accustomed to making other people watch our balls swing. And I'm pretty sure that's not our failure.
Meanwhile, the Tennessee state Senate planned to vote on a nefarious "religious liberty" bill, SB 127, on Monday, but have delayed the vote until this morning after receiving a lot of feedback about it, and I can't imagine that feedback was positive. The Tennessee Equality Project (which does amazing work, by the way) has dubbed SB 127 the "License to Discriminate" bill, because it would let Tennessee businesses discriminate against whomever they like (but most likely gays, women, and transgendered folk) merely because of their "religious beliefs" -- and they'll be able to do that even if they get taxpayer money from the good citizens of Tennessee! I'm not sure how many times I can say this: the First Amendment protects your right to your religious beliefs, but it does not protect your "right" to deny other people their rights. And if you take taxpayer money, you have to follow the law, and since the law forbids discrimination, you can't discriminate, even if your Jesus is as mean a bastard as you. Thus the Tennessee Equality Project helps you tell Tennessee state legislators to reject SB 127, and thus reject "religious" discrimination.
In other news, you may have heard that Mr. Trump's budget would zero out funding for the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Humanities. You probably also know that zeroing out such funding would mean "saving" a few hundred million dollars annually out of a several trillion dollar budget, making claims that WE'RE BROKE!!!! or DEFICITZ ARE TEH EVILZ!!!! particularly absurd in this context. And I'm sure you also know by now that those few hundred million dollars annually get America a lot of bang for the buck -- unlike the F-35 fighter jet, one of which currently costs, on average, about $175 million, meaning you could currently fund the entirety of the NEA and the NEH with fewer than two of the planes that Lockheed still can't make work in combat after 25 years of trying. If you need reminding why we need an NEA and an NEH, you probably also need reminding why we need civilization, and I'm not reinventing that wheel for you. Suffice it to say that Donald Trump obviously believes that whatever doesn't make money is worthless, and civilized people should never accept that from anyone, let alone the President. Thus Sign Here Now helps you tell Congress to reject any Trump budget that eliminates the NEA and the NEH.