It's about time someone put it like this: "Trump's Policies Won't Bring Back Coal Jobs -- They Will Kill More Miners." President Trump has not only vastly overestimated how many new coal mining jobs the economy has created over the last year (50,000? More like 1,000!), but if he succeeds in rolling back clean air and clean water regulations -- including regulations that specifically protect coal miners from black lung! -- then a lot more coal miners will die. The "happy ending," here, is that bosses will be richer, and bosses are the only people who matter to Mr. Trump anyway.
Ted Rall at Counterpunch reminds us that, yes, Virginia, "Democrats Could Lose Again This Fall." It's good to hear other folks saying that Democrats' complete lack of an agenda and the fact that Clintonistas still run everything (even as Sandernistas have all the energy!) may cripple them, but I doubt that Americans will vote Republican if they "vote their pocketbooks" -- hey, if the economic "recovery" of the Obama era didn't save Hillary Clinton, I don't see it saving Republicans, either -- and when more and more folks find out that the tax "cut" bill didn't cut their taxes very much, I see tax "reform"'s numbers going back down.
Joe Emersberger at FAIR catches the "liberal" media slobbering all over Ecuador's President, who ran as a liberal populist and has, of course, revealed himself to be a right-winger upon taking office. Odd how the "liberal" media calls a man who does whatever his big corporate cronies tell him to do "his own man." Also odd how they call the actual populist a "strongman" but leave that word in its sheath when the right-winger actually bullies judges. The good news? Actual liberal policies are actually so popular all over the planet that you have to at least pretend to be one to get anywhere. Why, if Mr. Trump had bashed banksters more consistently during the campaign, he might actually have won a popular vote majority.
Surprise, surprise, the Trump Administration is letting a corn syrup lobbyist help the USDA set dietary guidelines. And perhaps, like other sugar-addicted corporations like Coca-Cola, she'll use her "expertise" to downplay sugar's nefarious effects on our health! And what a surprise to learn, in addition to learning that our government gets "advice" from precisely the wrong people, that waivers to Mr. Trump's already-weakened ethics rules are so, so easy to get.
Finally, President Trump tells Ohio ralliers that Democrats who failed to applaud at his State of the Union should be considered traitors. Almost as bad, he equates their failure to applaud with a failure to love one's country, as if America is Donald Trump and Donald Trump is America, a feat of ego-stroking (among many other kinds of stroking!) the Founders would have found appalling. And I guess it's no use citing Article III, Section 3 of our Constitution to our President, though it sets the bar for treason considerably higher than he does. Memo to Trump votaries: if you support calling your enemies "traitors," particularly for the crime of not clapping at Dear Leader, then you are damaged beyond my ability or willingness to engage with you.