Former Republican Mike Lofgren recounts some of the friendships he's lost to Trump Derangement Syndrome (actual) over the years, reminding us, among other things, that "people who truculently parade their skepticism are actually the most gullible people on earth." The stories he tells won't surprise you, not if you've been living and breathing these last few decades; of course, for me the Rubicon was Tha Bush Mobb, not Donald Trump. One question: was the fellow who hated the Iraq War but embraced climate change denialism confusing symmetry with fairness – or was he embarking on his own quest to hold on to other friendships?
America's Last Journalist, Greg Palast, tells us "How Not to Get Shafted Out of Your Vote." First, check our and make sure you're registered; second, vote in-person and early if you can (and avoid mail-in ballots); third, don't accept a "provisional" ballot, but "politely but firmly" demand a regular ballot and bring proof of your address (which could be an electric bill). Mr. Palast also cites 1-800-OUR-VOTE if you witness, or suffer, vote suppression at the polls. It's good to know that in 22 states (including Wisconsin, Nevada, and Michigan) have same-day registration, meaning that if you've been unfairly deregistered which will more likely happen to you if you're not white, you can demand a registration form (and thus a ballot) right then and there.
So how's Iceland's experiment with a four-day work week going? Quite well, thank you very much – lower unemployment and faster economic growth being just two of the boons Iceland has enjoyed. Of course you already knew that, but we would do well to remember that the only people who oppose a shorter work week are the overpaid executives who can't think past the next monthly report. So bold, they are! And don't ever believe the hype (directly counteracted by this article, I'll grant) that ZOMG HOWZ WILLZ WEZ EVAHZ RENEGOTIATEZ TEH UNIONZ CONTRACTZ!!!!! Right-wingers just love pretending that a minor bump is an insurmountable obstacle, and they only do it to gaslight you.
By now you've heard that former Trump Administration Chief of Staff John Kelly has called Mr. Trump a "fascist," which, like, duh, but let's look at his testimony that Mr. Trump used to say Hitler did some good things too "more than once." "Do an in-depth report on Adolf Hitler's term in office" used to be an exercise in some high schools, no doubt out of a misguided/evil desire to be "fair" to everyone. Remember that almost everyone does good things by accident! But if a guy kills six million Jews, you don't say you know, he sure had that economy humming for a while! about him unless you're an asshole.
Ho hum, MAGA hat-wearer punches Texas poll worker after poll worker tells him to remove his hat at the polling place. In other words, a right-winger responded to requests from a law enforcement officer to obey the law with violence; why, this is almost becoming a stereotype! Since the poll worker is a senior citizen, the right-winger – no, I'm not going to name him, why give him more attention than he deserves? – now faces a third-degree felony charge. I bet he gets all law-and-order about immigration, though I’d be happy to be wrong about that. I am almost certainly not wrong about that.
Finally, I bet you know someone who canceled their Washington Post subscription after that "paper of record" decided not to endorse a candidate for President this year, to get back to their nonpartisan roots yeah sure. While it sure seems like these newspapers are rushing to oblivion, I can't be too hard on them, because I never endorsed a Presidential candidate, either. So I'mma fix that: vote for Kamala Harris! And vote against every single Republican on your ballot! They've fucked shit up enough!