Long story short: tell your Senators to kill the so-called Stop Terror-Financing and Tax Penalties on American Hostages Act and refuse to rubber-stamp our President-elect's nefarious nominees, and tell your Congressfolk to keep funding our IRS so it can keep going after rich tax cheats. Use the tools in the upper right-hand corner of this page (or, if you're on a cellphone, the bottom of this page) to find your Congressfolk's phone numbers and/or use the email/petition tools in the following paragraphs.
Our House passed the so-called Stop Terror-Financing and Tax Penalties on American Hostages Act last week – though with fewer votes than expected – so both Common Cause and 350.0rg help you tell your Senators to kill that damn bill. No President – especially the monster the American people elected earlier this month – needs the power to declare non-profits as "terrorist-affiliated" because he doesn't like them, but this bill would give him that power, so our Senate must kill the bill. Do not admit the "but the bill gives American hostages in Israel a break on the taxes they can't file" argument. They could have made that its own bill. You already know why they didn't.
The National Women's Law Center helps you tell your Senate to refuse to rubber-stamp TFG's awful nominees who will all hurt good Americans with their evil acts. I hope I'm being perfectly clear about how I feel about all of this! People tell me I hold back on my emotions a lot! We're telling our Senate not to be a rubber-stamp because a) a rubber-stamp is about all that'll get these clowns confirmed and b) our House may well be planning to make a motion to adjourn in advance of our Senate, which would (per Article 2, Section 3 of our Constitution) give TFG the authority to adjourn both Houses indefinitely. Your Senators need to hear from you that this is evil – and that no President should be so afraid of the popular will that he resorts to such evil.
Finally, Americans for Tax Fairness helps you tell your Congressfolk to stop cutting funding for our IRS. Let it be known that nobody voted for TFG so that our IRS could have less funding; if that were true, surely Republicans would have done better in the 2022 midterms, when they whined about increased IRS funding non-stop. But more than that, we need to communicate as clearly to our Congressfolk as possible that we want to make rich people stop cheating on their taxes, and increased IRS funding collects $6 more in unpaid taxes for every $1 spent. Taxes pay for things we all need, after all! Even when right-wingers call that socialist! You know, there’s another name for cutting IRS funding: defunding the police. Go ahead and use their words against them.