Long story short: tell your Congressfolk to pass the Social Security Fairness Act and fully-fund the Meals on Wheels program, and tell your Senators to confirm as many judges as possible and re-confirm Lauren McFerran to our NLRB. Use the tools in the upper right-hand corner of this page (or, if you're on a cellphone, the bottom of this page) to find your Congressfolk's phone numbers and/or use the email/petition tools in the following paragraphs.
The Alliance for Retired Americans helps you tell your Congressfolk to pass the Social Security Fairness Act, which would allow good Americans to collect Social Security benefits and government pensions or pensions and disability plans from employers that did not collect Social Security taxes. Seems to me if you've earned all of these things, you should get them, without some boss somewhere pretending to worry about "double-dipping." No, they're pretending – all they really worry about is "saving money," which is all bosses worry about, since they have no vision for making money other than cutting pay and services to the bone. This is actual bipartisan legislation, by the way, the kind we're not going to see for a while, so let's get it done.
The Coalition on Human Needs helps you tell your Congressfolk to save the Meals on Wheels program by fully-funding the Older Americans Act. Meals on Wheels delivers over 250 million meals to over two million seniors every year, but now virtually all Meals on Wheels programs report challenges to completing their work, and one in three programs report waiting lists of 90 days or longer, so clearly Congress needs to do more. I'm sure Meals on Wheels will be the target of much Musk/Ramaswamy meme-based ridicule in the coming months, but they're ridiculous human beings from whom no one should get guidance about moral or spiritual matters. I'd rather adhere to the Baltimore Catechism, which instructs us that "feed(ing) the hungry" is one of the seven Corporal Acts of Mercy. And our government should do the same.
Finally, MoveOn helps you remind your Senators to confirm as many judges as possible before TFG takes over, while the Labor Force helps you tell your Senators to re-confirm National Labor Relations Board Chair Lauren McFerran. Confirming judges ensures that at least some judges will listen to us over the next four or so years, while re-confirming Ms. McFerran to our NLRB ensures TFG won't be able to appoint anyone to that board until the end of 2026, meaning our NLRB, too, might listen to us a little better than the Insane Clown Posse TFG will install in our Executive branch agencies. Things will get very, very uncomfortable for good, decent, and moral Americans over the next four or so years, but that doesn't mean we should neglect the civilization we've built over the previous 250 years.
UPDATE. I experienced some mild annoyance trying to sign the MoveOn petition from the previous paragraph, but it worked on the second attempt.