Long story short: tell your Senators to pass the PRESS Act, and tell your Congressfolk to pass the Pharmacists Fight Back Act and the ETHICS Act. Use the tools in the upper right-hand corner of this page (or, if you're on a cellphone, the bottom of this page) to find your Congressfolk's phone numbers and/or use the email/petition tools in the following paragraphs.
Free Press helps you tell your Senators to pass the PRESS Act, which would prevent our government from putting reporters in jail for not revealing their sources, among other evils. But of course, since this bill would prevent evil – forcing reporters to reveal sources who could be killed as soon as their own being so obvious an evil that our House has already passed the bill in an actual bipartisan manner – our President-elect, who loves nothing so much as hurting people (and has a list of journalists he wants to hurt as we speak), wants our Senate to block final passage of the bill. So many of today's journalists are self-absorbed clowns that we often forget how many journalists have made this country better, so how about we not hurt the good ones? How about we not hurt own country?
More Perfect Union helps you tell your Congressfolk to pass the Pharmacists Fight Back Act. Fight back against what, you ask? Against the Pharmacy Benefit Managers (or PBMs) that are slowly killing them, that's what! PBMs are, you guessed it, middle-men who keep you from getting the drugs you need to be healthy – and keep your pharmacists from making enough money to stay open without being chained to a giant multinational corporation like CVS, which is, of course, firing as many pharmacists as it can so its executives can gild the plumbing in their 19th vacation homes. The Pharmacists Fight Back Act would make PBM reimbursements fairer and keep PBMs from owning pharmacies, and these are good first steps. What, you think TFG will solve this? Ha ha ha ha no! It's up to us, as always.
Finally, Civic Shout helps you tell your Congressfolk to pass the ETHICS Act, which would ban lawmakers in Congress from owning or trading individual stocks, and assess stiff penalties for contravening that ban. Because owning individual stocks is an obvious conflict of interest for a lawmaker! It's really not that damn much to ask that they don't trade on their influence and their knowledge of legislation about to pass in order to enrich themselves. And these clowns all make upwards of $174,000 a year; if they can't live on that, maybe they should stop eating avocado toast. The ETHICS Act would prevent Congressfolk from buying new stocks immediately and would make them divest from all individual stocks and related assets by the start of 2027; that's more than enough time to get themselves right with the people.