Long story short: tell your Congressfolk to hold on to their Constitutionally-mandated spending functions and not to cut Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, or food stamps. Use the tools in the upper right-hand corner of this page (or, if you're on a cellphone, the bottom of this page) to find your Congressfolk's phone numbers and/or use the email/petition tools in the following paragraphs.
Bowers News Media helps you remind your Congressfolk that they, and not some extra-governmental "Department of Governmental Efficiency," initiate and approve all spending legislation. Our Constitution is pretty plain on that! Of course it could get even worse: our incoming President-elect could simply refuse to spend funds as Congress has appropriated, and use the Impoundment Control Act to demand that Congress rescind those funds. All so a bunch of assholes can ram through spending cuts to hurt hundreds of millions of good Americans and protect billionaires. How about we throw sand in those gears?
In a related note, Social Security Works helps you tell your Congressfolk not to cut Social Security or Medicare, while the Juggernaut Project helps you tell your Congressfolk not to cut Medicaid. They'll claim America's broke – hell, they'll make America broke! – and then claim we just "have to" cut programs that help tens of millions of Americans, instead of, you know, bringing back the 91% tax bracket on millionaire income that created the greatest middle class in history. Those 77 million self-absorbed Americans who hate being told they're wrong about anything will see very shortly that their pet monster only hurts people. I hope their pain is instructive.
Finally, the Coalition on Human Needs helps you tell your Congressfolk to strengthen, not cut, food stamp benefits. Right-wing politicians have such a hard-on for cutting Medicaid and food stamps, don't they? It's like they know they're good programs that help a lot of people. They impose all these work requirements and felony requirements on them under the guise of "stopping fraud," but these things don't stop fraud but mercy. Seriously, what a leader would to is a) make sure everyone has what they need and b) put fraudsters in jail. No one seems to understand what leadership is anymore. And they watched Joe Biden for four years, so they have no excuse.