Long story short: tell our government to make fair trade deals, protect elephants from trophy hunting, and keep medical debt out of credit reports. Use the email/petition tools in the following paragraphs to communicate your will.
Public Citizen helps you tell the Biden Administration you don’t want their proposed Americas Partnership for Economic Prosperity (or APEP) to be like all those “free” trade deals of years gone by. Yes, the Biden Administration is actually taking comments on it! And if they didn’t want to hear from us, they shouldn’t have asked us to speak. Among the things you’ll ask an APEP to do: get rid of the investor-state dispute settlement (or ISDS) systems that put money before law and order, and raise labor and climate standards in Latin American nations. The main reason our big corporations relocate there, of course, is so they can pay workers in dung pellets and make them work like slaves! So we’ve got to fight that, same as we fight cruelty everywhere.
The Center for Biological Diversity helps you tell our U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to ban all imports of trophy Amboseli-West Kilimanjaro elephants. Because they deserve better than to be hunted to death for sport! And if we ban their import, we can dry up the market for it in Africa! And who hunts an African elephant? Not someone who needs food or shelter, that’s for sure! No, it’s always some no-work-doing bazillionaire who’s never had to struggle to earn a damn thing in his life. Putting down an elephant in its reproductive peak just because it has hundred-pound tusks is damn sure not a way to earn the respect of anyone who matters. Yet, because money, it’ll still happen – unless we tell our government to make sure it doesn’t happen.
Finally, More Perfect Union helps you tell our Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (or CFPB) to follow through with their plan to ban credit reporting corporations from using medical debt in their scores. There’s more to this, of course, than just preventing your credit score from taking a hit just because you got hit by a car or got cancer: our CFPB’s proposed rule would also ban debt collectors from using medical devices as collateral – I mean, folks want to keep using their wheelchairs and prosthetic arms, right? And not for nothing, but a lot of medical debt reporting is just plain wrong, and why should someone else’s mistake literally cost you an arm and a leg? “Money” is not an adequate reason, for that or anything else.