Long story short: tell your Senators to pass the Fourth Amendment is Not for Sale Act, and tell your Congressfolk to reject any resolution aiming to repeal the Biden Administration’s fiduciary responsibility rule and restore Victims of Crime Act funding and raise Violence Against Women Act funding. Use the tools in the upper right-hand corner of this page (or, if you're on a cellphone, the bottom of this page) to find your Congressfolk's phone numbers and/or use the email/petition tools in the following paragraphs.
Free Press helps you tell your Senators to pass the Fourth Amendment is Not for Sale Act, which would prevent our government from buying your personal data from private data-collecting corporations. Because they should only have that data if they get a warrant! This is not difficult! Miraculously, our House actually passed this bill, by a narrow 219-199 margin, but with 123 Republicans and 96 Democrats voting in favor, which makes it a what, folks? An actual bipartisan bill. They talk about “bipartisanship” but they hardly know what it looks like anymore! But we do, and this is a good bill, so we should tell our Senators to stop playing games and pass it.
Social Security Works helps you tell your Congressfolk to reject any effort to repeal the Biden Administration’s fiduciary responsibility rule. Why? Because that rule forces financial advisors to put their customers’ needs first and their own needs second! And why do we need to tell financial advisors to do that? Because they put their own needs first and their customers’ needs second, even though their customers provide all the money! It’s why we call them banksters! But Republicans want to help banksters put themselves first. Doesn’t matter what dumb argument they use to justify that! We must remind them that they work for us, not just their big donors.
Finally, the Coalition on Human Needs helps you tell your Congressfolk to restore funding under the Victims of Crime Act and also raise funding for programs authorized by the Violence Against Women Act. What aspiring Machiavellian cuts funding for something called the Victims of Crime Act? Seriously, say so-and-so cut Victims of Crime Act funding in a 30-second ad three times, then run that ad repeatedly the last two weeks before Election Day, and so-and-so will lose. As for the Violence Against Women Act, anyone against funding that must be objectively pro-wife-beating. I’d win with that ad, too.