Long story short: tell your Congressfolk to reject the so-called Mining Regulatory Clarity Act and hold hearings about possible collusion between American oil corporations and OPEC. Use the tools in the upper right-hand corner of this page (or, if you're on a cellphone, the bottom of this page) to find your Congressfolk's phone numbers and/or use the email/petition tools in the following paragraphs.
The Native Organizers Alliance helps you tell your Congressfolk to reject the so-called Mining Regulatory Clarity Act, which would let our government hand out public lands to big mining corporations with inadquate consideration for mining corporations polluting our air and water or desecrating sacred Native lands. Such is the “clarity” of desolation, the “clarity” of mammon-worship, the “clarity” of doing injury without taking accountability. And ironically enough, this bill’s supporters have resorted to parliamentary arcanity to keep it moving. I guess only the clarity of the people’s will can stop them, so we should get to it.
Public Citizen helps you tell your Congressfolk to hold public hearings on alleged big oil corporate collusion with OPEC, a heavily-reported matter about which our Federal Trade Commission (or FTC) has already sued. No one should smile at American oil corporations colluding with a foreign oil consortium that produces a little under 40 percent of the world’s oil and may sit on 80% of the world’s oil reserves – especially with gas prices going up, for no other apparent reason. And again, remember that when right-wingers say our FTC is “out of control,” this is what they mean – that they’re actually working for us for once.