Long story short: tell our government your story (if you have one) about how Medicare Advantage plans harmed you, and tell our government to reject plans to frack on public lands and investigate big oil’s well-documented lies to the American people about their role in climate change. Use the email/petition tools in the following paragraphs to communicate your will.
Attention, those who’ve been harmed by Medicare Advantage plans: More Perfect Union helps you tell our Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (or CMS) your story of how a Medicare Advantage plan harmed you. I’m pleased the Biden Administration wants to collect these stories, since they’ve otherwise acted far too sanguine about the presence of private health insurance corporations sucking out Medicare money (which, ah, is your money, both coming and going). Stories they’ll want to hear may include denied claims, denied treatments, surprise medical bills, and misleading advertising – you know, all the noxious crap you’d expect from total greedheads who will burn in everlasting Hellfire but hurt or kill millions of good Americans first.
Civic Shout helps you tell our Bureau of Land Management to reject its proposal to open 40,000 acres of the Wayne National Forest to fracking and oil drilling. Fracking will make your water undrinkable – it’s why Pennsylvania state Republicans from the Philadelphia suburbs got a fracking moratorium in the 2012 state budget – and our public lands have plenty of water in them. Don’t brook any stupidity from right-wingers about the need for “cheap energy,” particularly if they then turn and lie about how you can never get solar power on a cloudy day. “Have you heard of the miracle technology called battery storage?” All these right-wingers really care about is making sure energy corporation executives still get to redistribute their workers’ income upward to themselves, so don’t abide their BS.
Finally, Public Citizen helps you tell our Justice Department to investigate big oil corporations for knowing they were helping cause climate change for decades but lying to us about it the whole time. This story is almost a decade old already, and no oil corporation executives are in jail yet; I know the wheels of justice grind slowly, but does that really comfort anyone who can’t get a drink of clean water or spends hundreds of dollars every month just to keep their house cool? The time for justice is always now. And I know, there’s always the chance that a Justice Department lawsuit will get before a federal judge who thinks corporations have a “right” to lie. Fact is corporations don’t have a right to do a God-damned thing, because corporations aren’t people, they’re things, and letting things rule you is always a fatal mistake.