Long story short: tell your Congressfolk to protect election officials, cap insulin prices, and pass the State-Based Universal Health Care Act. Use the tools in the upper right-hand corner of this page (or, if you're on a cellphone, the bottom of this page) to find your Congressfolk's phone numbers and/or use the email/petition tools in the following paragraphs.
Daily Kos helps you tell your Congressfolk to pass legislation that’ll protect local election officials from the harassment and threats that have become far too commonplace after the 2020 election. Too many election officials have quit after all the Trumpholes threatening to kill them after their Personal Lord and Savior lost the 2020 election by seven million votes, so we’ve got to do what we can to protect the ones we’ve got left. That’ll entail, among other things, outlawing intimidation and keeping election workers’ info confidential. It’s not that much to ask, no matter how Trumpholes feel about it. Seriously, fuck their feelings.
Moms Rising helps you tell your Congressfolk to cap prices for life-saving prescription drugs, including, and especially, insulin. Thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act, Medicare recipients now pay no more than $35/month for insulin, but everyone deserves that, and you can let your Congressfolk know that, regardless of their fealty to Big Pharma. And if they don’t want to do it, ask why they won’t. I bet the answers would be hilarious! And by “hilarious” I mean “profoundly irritating.” Especially hilarious, er, irritating, would be capping the price of insulin would amount to price controls. I think after the events of the last few years, most folks would respond: we can only hope!
Finally, Social Security Works helps you tell your Congressfolk to pass the State-Based Universal Health Care Act, so that individual states can start their own Medicare-for-All-style health insurance systems. Canada’s health insurance system started in Saskatchewan, after all, and wouldn’t it be nice if we could repeat that story? Don’t tolerate any BIG GUMMINT TAKEOVURZ!!!!!-style crap — as Paul Craig Roberts has said, government couldn’t possibly do health insurance worse than the private sector has. And don’t tolerate any how will we pay for it? crap, either. (By converting what corporations already pay private health insurance corporations into an employer-side payroll tax, the end.)