Long story short: tell our government to ensure safe and secure mail-in voting, reject the proposed Capitol One/Discover merger, and break up the Ticketmaster monopoly, and tell Columbia University to right the wrongs it did to pro-Palestinian protestors. Use the email/petition tools in the following paragraphs to communicate your will.
Save the Post Office helps you tell our USPS Board of Governors, the USPS Inspector General, and the Postal Regulatory Commission to force our Postal Service to deliver mail-in ballots safely and securely this year. Because you can’t count on Postmaster DeJoy to do it! He’s been busy raising prices, cutting services, and slashing jobs, and that’s not exactly the combination that ensures mail-in ballots get where they need to go, is it? Of course, he cares little about the Constitutionally-mandated service he runs – he wants it all privatized, ideally for his cronies. But if our government won’t fire him, then they need to rein him in.
Demand Progress helps you tell our Justice Department to stop the proposed Capital One/Discover merger, while More Perfect Union helps you tell our Justice Department to break up the Ticketmaster monopoly. If Capital One buys Discover, it’ll have even more power to charge higher interest rates, and it’s already charging the highest in the industry. And Ticketmaster already has the near-monopoly power to charge high prices, saddle buyers with junk fees, and bully smaller venues and artists into accepting whatever terms they impose. Why, this all sounds like a job for our government! Which is why we must speak out.
Finally, Jewish Voice for Peace helps you tell Columbia University to fix the mess they caused when they used the NYPD to clear out a student-created protest encampment, which would include amnesty for the 100-plus protestors arrested. Protestors demanded that Columbia divest from Israel; this is not exactly a loony-tune opinion in America – you know, the way “Biden stole the election” is a loony-tune opinion in America – so why bring out the big guns? Because our elites, even those in academia, are very slow to recognize shifting winds, and cling to their wrong-headed ways; what can we do but help them see that the winds are shifting?