Long story short: tell our government not to run roughshod over Native American rights in Big Cypress, tell Tanzania to stop elephant-hunting on their land and at their borders, and tell our government to reject large-scale old-growth logging in Vermont’s Green Mountains. Use the email/petition tools in the following paragraphs to communicate your will.
The Native Organizers Alliance helps you tell the Biden Administration to halt their attempt to convert Big Cypress National Preserve in Florida into a wilderness. But what’s wrong with converting a preserve into a wilderness, you ask? Good question! Currently federal law allows the Miccosukee nation to use and occupy Big Cypress, and converting it into a wilderness would likely result in the Miccosukee getting kicked out! Since that is, historically, what happens. Native Organizers Alliance helps you ask that the Biden Administration pause this process until a supplemental environmental impact statement can ensure the Miccosukee get heard.
Care2 helps you tell the government of Tanzania to reinstate and enforce a moratorium on elephant-hunting. Too many elephants die for their tusks, and to what end? Money? Yikes, folks who think money is the be-all-end-all of existence have a disease called cynicism. Religious artifacts? Virtually anything can be a religious artifact if it means enough to you or someone you love! And if hunters argue with you that older elephants should be fair game because they’re past their prime, ask them if it’d be OK for aliens to hunt their grandparents. Either all elephants are important, or none are; needless to say I tend to agree with the former argument.
Finally, Earth Justice helps you tell our U.S. Forest Service not to allow logging in Vermont’s Green Mountain National Forest. Whether it’s public water or old-growth forests, seems we’re always telling our government not to let big corporations siphon off resources on our public lands, and though the cynical would say HA HA HA THAT’S WHY YOU DON’T LET GOVERNMENT DO ANYTHING HA HA HA SNORT, reasonable people know that once you win something in this world, you have to keep winning it, and if we didn’t have public lands and public comment periods, we’d have no say over what happens.