Long story short: tell our government to stop the proposed Walmart/Vizio merger, and tell our EPA to enact the strongest carbon emissions restrictions possible. Use the email/petition tools in the following paragraphs to communicate your will.
Demand Progress helps you tell our Federal Trade Commission (or FTC) and our Justice Department Antitrust Division to stop the proposed Walmart/Vizio merger. But wait, the right-wing Glaucons are saying, it’s a department store buying a TV company, so what’s the big deal? Well, if you think, as I do, that no corporation should ever own another corporation, you already know the answer, but buying Vizio would not only enable Walmart to get a foothold in an area they can quickly monopolize given their size, but it’d give them access to crap-tons of user data. I don’t particularly want Walmart – or any corporation – to have any of that.
Daily Kos Green helps you tell our Environmental Protection Agency (or EPA) to enact the most vigorous carbon emissions restrictions possible. Remember when right-wingers called the Obama carbon emissions restrictions – which didn’t even address existing power plants, like this one does – a “war on coal”? Well, how about the war on air? Or the war on health care, since cleaner air results in reduced health care costs? Big corporations hate our EPA’s proposal, since it’ll hamper their executives’ ability to gild the plumbing in their 19th vacation homes. But such fools shouldn’t get all the say in America.