Long story short: tell our government to fight monopolies and mergers and make public auditors more proactive. Use the email/petition tools in the following paragraphs to communicate your will.
Public Citizen helps you tell the Public Accounting Oversight Board (or PCAOB) to enact the most vigorous rules possible for public corporation auditors. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, enacted in response to the Enron accounting scandal, created the PCAOB to oversee folks who audit publicly-traded corporations for a living, but the PCAOB hasn’t exactly been pro-active in going after fraud, even though it hurts investors. You know investors? That class of people right-wingers say they’re always trying to protect? Well, our PCAOB’s proposal suggests they’re going to be a lot more proactive, and so we should encourage that. Right-wingers will call that “micromanagement” and “nanny state,” but the people who get hurt by corporate fraud will call it something else: justice.
I have a few anti-monopoly action alerts. Demand Progress helps you tell our Justice Department to break up United Health, before it has the power to buy up all the doctors’ practices and surgery centers and overbill Medicare with impunity. Demand Progress also helps you tell our government to stop the proposed Walmart/Vizio merger, so we can also stop Walmart from taking over the flat-screen market and hoovering up all the personal data Vizio has collected on its customers. And More Perfect Union helps you tell our Federal Reserve to block the proposed Capitol One/Discover merger, to prevent the resulting behemoth from having 400 million customers. That’s too much power! And no corporation should have it.