Long story short: tell your Congressfolk to pass the SSI Savings Penalty Elimination Act and the Preventing Deepfakes of Intimate Images Act, and also tell your Congressfolk to renew the Affordable Connectivity Program. Use the tools in the upper right-hand corner of this page (or, if you're on a cellphone, the bottom of this page) to find your Congressfolk's phone numbers and/or use the email/petition tools in the following paragraphs.
The Coalition on Human Needs helps you tell your Congressfolk to pass the SSI Savings Penalty Elimination Act. Currently folks with a mere $2,000 in assets can’t get SSI benefits; you know how fast you can blow through $2,000, right? SSI limits literally haven’t gone up in over 30 years, though inflation has gone up almost 146% over that time. I don’t expect that argument to convince the folks who squeal STOP ALLZ TEH FRAUDZ NO MATTURZ TEH COSTZ!!!! But I don’t expect any reasonable arguments to convince haters, and I also don’t want haters to keep getting all the say about everything.
Civic Shout helps you tell your Congressfolk to pass the Preventing Deepfakes of Intimate Images Act. You’ve heard about people using AI to create pornographic images of Taylor Swift, right? Discerning consent among actors who actually make porn films is dicey enough; now imagine having porn of you, that you didn’t make, out there for everyone to see, with most folks either bad at telling what’s fake or unwilling to simply disbelieve anything they see. You’d hate to see people use AI just to make women’s lives worse; the Preventing Deepfakes of Intimate Images Act will help put a stop to that.
Finally, Free Press helps you tell your Congressfolk to renew the Affordable Connectivity Program already. The Affordable Connectivity Program (or ACP) helps poor working families (including folks who receive Medicaid or food stamps) with $30/month ($75/month for folks living on tribal lands) to help afford internet. You’ve looked at your own internet bill, right? So you know that we could actually do more! But right-wingers want to end the program, claiming that internet access isn’t essential. Imagine saying crap like that not long after a year-plus of kids all having to go to school online! Again, let’s not let the haters get all the say about everything.