Long story short: tell the DRC President to stop evicting people from their homes to appease cobalt mining corporations, tell our BLM to keep Alaska public lands in public hands, and tell President Biden to get rid of Postmaster General DeJoy already. Use the email/petition tools in the following paragraphs to communicate your will.
Amnesty International helps you tell the President of the Democratic Republic of Congo (or DRC) to stop evicting people from their homes so corporations can mine cobalt for electric batteries. Yes, moving from fossil fuels to more renewable energy is a good thing, but no law of nature demands that we disrupt (or end!) the lives of good citizens toward that end. Has no one considered compensating people properly for the good fortune they had in living on top of a valuable resource? Apparently not, and it ain’t just the DRC that does that, of course. But the Big Stick of Bad PR is what we’ve got here, so we better not be shy about using it.
Pew helps you tell our Bureau of Land Management to keep 28 million acres of Alaska public lands out of the hands of mining and development corporations. Their latest email missive says we should “keep public lands in public hands” – now that’s a winning argument! And it rhymes! A lot of folks like things that rhyme, as you know. But our BLM is mulling whether to sell or lease this land for development, even though it supports local habitats, supports the salmon industry, and helps fight climate change. I just named three things that mining and development corporations care about far less than executive pay! So we’ve got to get to steppin’ about this matter.
Finally, Daily Kos helps you tell President Biden to nominate two more USPS Board of Governors members who’ll oust the notorious Postmaster General Louis DeJoy. He’s been dragging his feet on this for some reason, and even if that reason is “I’ve still shoveling a lot of the horsedoodle left by my predecessor,” getting our USPS right again should be a much higher priority. Not just because of Mr. DeJoy’s legacy of higher prices, worse service, fewer jobs, and fewer Post Offices, but because our USPS delivers life-saving meds all the time, and because it might also deliver a lot of votes this year.