Long story short: tell your Congressfolk to expand the Child Tax Credit without handing out more corporate welfare, cancel all medical debt in America, and fully fund our IRS. Use the tools in the upper right-hand corner of this page (or, if you're on a cellphone, the bottom of this page) to find your Congressfolk's phone numbers and/or use the email/petition tools in the following paragraphs.
The Coalition on Human Needs helps you tell your Congressfolk to expand the Child Tax Credit – but without tacking on the kinds of poison pill legislative riders they love to tack on to popular legislation. Like, you know, corporate welfare, which politicians call “tax breaks” or “tax incentives,” but which are really welfare handouts to the most undeserving “people” of all. And there’s no “you got yours, so I gotta get mine” argument to be made here – our Congressfolk aren’t supposed to “negotiate” with us, they’re supposed to do our will.
Daily Kos helps you tell your Congressfolk to cancel all medical debt in America. Right-wingers can’t even say if you didn’t want the debt, you shouldn’t have spent the money about medical debt! What do they want you to do, stay sick and then die? Wait, the answer to that question may not be rhetorical. But we don’t take on medical debt like we take on credit card debt – these days we too often find ourselves with medical debt because the boundaries of our health insurance networks changed without our knowing. Anyway, Congressfolk are such “Christians,” so how about they act like it for once?
Finally, Daily Kos also helps you tell your Congressfolk to fully fund our IRS. Don’t believe the profoundly offensive horseshit that “now the IRS will go after little people.” Hello! Our IRS has only been going after “little people,” because they can’t afford lawyers like rich people can. Republicans are already bent on defunding our IRS – which you may read as “defunding the police” if you like, since that’s what it is – and they do that only because they do whatever their rich donors tell them to do. But if they hear enough from us, they’ll have a lot more trouble doing what they want to do.