Long story short: tell our FTC to outlaw junk fees, tell our Federal Reserve to force banks to have more cash on hand, and tell President Biden to put better people on our USPS Board of Governors. Use the email/petition tools in the following paragraphs to communicate your will.
More Perfect Union helps you tell our Federal Trade Commission (or FTC) to enact the most vigorous anti-junk fee rule possible. From concert and airline tickets to utility bills and even rent, good Americans are getting slammed with fees that seem to come in at the last minute, when you’re already emotionally-invested in the sale. Being up-front is a simple principle, right? Yet big corporations can’t stop whining about any effort to actually make them be up-front! WAAAAAH WE CAN’TZ MAKES TEH MONEYZ REGULATORYZ BURDENZ NANNY STATEZ!!!!! All of which put together doesn’t add up to even one-tenth of we deserve to know how much we’re going to pay before we buy something. Don’t corporations have responsibilities anymore? Or is that just for us “little people”?
Americans for Financial Reform helps you tell our Federal Reserve to force banks to increase the amount of capital they have on hand, so that they – and, by extension, we – can weather their bad decisions better. Banksters of course hate the idea that they should actually have real cash money in their vaults, because then how can we take the risks that make us rich, er, grow the economy? They say all of that like it’s not the very reason we demand they have more money on hand! We all lived through the Bankster Armageddon of 2008, and we all know that it wasn’t subprime mortgages that collapsed the economy but banksters’ hifalutin “financial instruments” that “create” “wealth” but destroy jobs and small businesses and lay waste to our livelihoods. So our government needs to make them do better.
Finally, Save the Post Office helps you tell President Biden to replace two expiring terms on our USPS Board of Governors with two folks who’ll fight to make our Postal Service actually better. I mean, of course, as opposed to the rubbish plan promulgated by current Postmaster DeJoy; his “better” involves slashing jobs, cutting services, and charging good Americans more money for the services that are left. That kind of “better” is typical of a corporate executive who doesn’t actually know how to do anything of value. Sound harsh? Tough! I’m right, and corporate America is wrong! “Increasing” “value” for “shareholders” (read: executives) is exactly the kind of thing that kills civilizations, but I don’t actually think our civilization deserves to die. As long as we can keep it, that is.