Long story short: tell your Congressfolk to expand our Child Tax Credit, reject corporate welfare, tax big corporate windfall profits, and pass real anti-corruption laws for our Supreme Court. Use the tools in the upper right-hand corner of this page (or, if you're on a cellphone, the bottom of this page) to find your Congressfolk's phone numbers and/or use the email/petition tools in the following paragraphs.
The Coalition on Human Needs helps you tell your Congressfolk to bring back the expanded Child Tax Credit from 2021 in their year-end spending package – and reject any attempts to hand out corporate welfare in that same package. Chances are I don’t have to explain what an extra $250 or $300 check per child, per month would do for a working family. But if you still hesitate when you hear that corporations need “incentives” to create jobs, remember two things: a) high corporate taxes and high taxes on the rich do more for job creation than corporate welfare handouts, and b) corporations don’t drive our economy; you drive our economy. I mean, you buy things, right? So you’re the job creator.
Demand Progress helps you tell your Congressfolk to pass a windfall profits tax on big corporations. Whenever you see high inflation and high corporate profits happen at the exact same time, you know corporations are screwing you over, but you may not be able to prove it in a court of law; our government has been bringing price-fixing lawsuits against corporations, but they tend only to bring the ones they can win, plus they don’t always win. And it should be hard to prove criminal liability, even when fighting corporate power. But nothing prevents us from taxing profits that are larger now than they were in past years. It ain’t about “punishing success,” not when, again, they’re “earning” record profits at the same time we’re suffering from high inflation. Anyone can “succeed” at that!
Finally, Progress America helps you tell your Congressfolk to pass a Supreme Court ethics bill that actually has some teeth. You know, unlike the ethics guidelines our Supreme Court recently adopted, the guidelines that don’t actually hold our Justices accountable. Gosh, anyone can come up with voluntary guidelines, but it is getting harder, I think, to convince large numbers of people that voluntary guidelines are “the same” as laws with punishments for breaking them. And corruption at our Supreme Court is getting pretty bad – and our Justices know it, or else they wouldn’t even try to convince us they’re working on the problem. But it’s our job to solve problems in America. And it’s Congress’s job to do our will, and our will is that corruption be punished, for real.
Thieves in the Temple will not post for the remainder of the year, and will return in early 2024, so everyone have a safe and happy holiday season!