Long story short: tell our FTC to investigate UnitedHealth for denying health care to elderly patients, tell our Federal Reserve to slash the debit card processing fees banksters charge merchants, and tell the Biden Administration to fix our Postal Service with two new and better members of its Board of Governors. Use the email/petition tools in the following paragraphs to communicate your will.
Demand Progress helps you tell our Federal Trade Commission (or FTC) to investigate UnitedHealth for using AI to override doctor’s decisions and deny health care coverage to elderly patients. They think they’re so smart, using AI to do that! Now we can say it wasn’t really us, it was just the algorithm! Thing is, today’s executives are stupid, and I’d lay money that some overpaid “decision-maker” at UnitedHealth put that italicized sentiment or something like it in an email, and I want our government to read such an email, so that we can put yet another nail in the coffin of greedy health insurance corporations. UnitedHealth seems to let AI get between you and your doctor, just like right-wingers said Obamacare and Medicare-for-All would! Thing is, right-wingers are stupid.
More Perfect Union helps you tell our Federal Reserve to slash banksters’ hidden debit card transaction fees. Banksters assess a fee of 21 cents plus .05% of the transaction account, which doesn’t sound like a lot, but it adds up, to the tune of over $16 billion paid by merchants last year. Don’t be the fool who says that banks create debit cards and thus can charge whatever they want! Nobody should be able to charge “whatever they want,” and right-wingers remind us of that fact every time they say people just have to pay what the market will bear. Banksters can charge whatever they want, but the market sets prices? OK, whatever! Seriously, though, nobody likes hidden fees, and nobody likes skimming, either – and hidden debit card fees will be skimming, if our Fed follows through.
Finally, Save the Post Office helps you tell President Biden to allow the (already-extended) terms of two Trump appointees to our USPS Board of Governors to expire and replace them with good people who’ll be good stewards of our Postal Service. And if “being a good steward” of our USPS means firing Postmaster General Louis DeJoy, well, we all have to make sacrifices for the common good. Mr. DeJoy has been insisting that we make all the sacrifices, though, with all his “bold” plans to cut jobs, slash services, and raise prices. That’s a hell of an entrepreneur we’ve got running our Postal Service, right there! Not only do good Americans depend on our Postal Service for life-saving medications more than ever before, but we can expand banking and licensing services instead of cutting services people need.