Long story short: tell our FTC to stop proposed Exxon and Chevron mergers, tell major league baseball owners to reject Oakland’s proposed move to Las Vegas, and tell Meta to stop using algorithms to trap kids on Facebook. Use the email/petition tools in the following paragraphs to communicate your will.
Demand Progress helps you tell our Federal Trade Commission (or FTC) to stop the proposed Exxon/Pioneer and Chevron/Hess mergers. Because those mergers would give those big corporations even more power to hurt us! Don’t brook any stupidity about how some monopolies are “beneficial” because they deliver “efficiencies,” because the only “efficiency” they “deliver” is the more “efficient” upward redistribution of income from hard-working Americans to fat and lazy bosses. Certainly don’t brook any stupidity about how monopolies give us “lower prices”! We’ve just witnessed high inflation and record corporate profits happening at the same time! Monopoly corporations are obviously gouging us! And that’s why our government must use the power we give it on our behalf.
More Perfect Union helps you tell major league baseball owners to reject the Oakland franchise’s proposed move to Las Vegas. It’s the same story we’ve heard since a Texas Rangers owner named George W. Bush foisted it upon us all those decades ago: another billionaire owner (here John Fisher of the A’s) born on third base acting like he hit a triple, saying he “needs” a publicly-financed new stadium or the A's won’t be able to “survive” (wow, it’s like he forgot all about Billy Beane!). It’s never about a baseball team’s “survival” – it’s always about one rich person’s greed, whether it’s John Fisher or Jeffery Loria or Peter Angelos or George W. Bush. Only seven MLB owners would have to reject the proposal to stop the move – but most of them are rich idiots like Mr. Fisher. That’s why we must raise our voices.
Finally, Civic Shout helps you tell Meta (the parent corporation of Facebook, another arrangement that should not exist in a civilized society) to stop targeting children with algorithms that keep kids on the platform more than is healthy for them. And it’s not healthy for them – imagine the peer pressure you grew up with multiplied by 10 – and folks can’t just say “kids just need to be strong enough to stay off it” because children can’t make adult decisions. This is why we outlaw statutory rape and child porn! So go ahead and regard people who say “kids just need to be stronger” as useful idiots for corporate power, since their real argument is “never tell a corporation what to do, ever.” They likely know it, too. Evil people are never as stupid as they want you to think.