11th Circuit three-judge panel again rejects Alabama’s redrawn Congressional maps. Alabama state lawyers actually argued before the judges that they don’t have to follow their ruling (which our Supreme Court famously confirmed earlier this year), and if there’s anything a judge hates hearing, it’s that their rulings mean nothing. Hence a cartographer and a special master will redraw Alabama districts this time.
When I hear that big insurance corporations don’t want to cover damages from natural disasters anymore, I can only say we are not a sane and moral society if we allow this evil to happen. Ultimately our government will have to wind up covering such damages, at which point right-wingers will squeal SOSHULIZM!!!!! and then have a circle-jerk lasting several hours. It would have been nice if the Washington Post had reported profit information for the big insurance corporations its article mentioned.
Please remember that “Iran’s Street Art Shows Defiance, Resistance, and Resilience” even if it takes another 50 years for them to get rid of the mullahs. Too many Americans still think the Middle East has no engineers or doctors or poets, but only has angry people who kill each other, and some of the folks who think that are friends or family of yours.
We can make too much of Gov. DeSantis’s apparent refusal to meet with President Biden following Hurricane Idalia – how much do they have to talk about, really? – but the snub sure doesn’t help Mr. DeSantis, who looks like the diaper-loaded brat he usually is anyway and nobody’s going to remember that he whined about all the security arrangements Florida didn’t have any trouble making after the last hurricane. Maybe Joe Biden isn’t as dumb as right-wingers want you to think!
Finally, when I hear that Democratic voters “can’t get enough of” Chris Christie’s “new Trump-bashing persona,” all I can say is OMG what horseshit. And then when I read about all the “liberal” media personalities who are going along with it, I’m even more sure I’m right. Note well that Democratic voters don’t vote in very many Republican primaries, and Republican voters either want Trump or someone who gives them everything Trump gives them without the baggage.