When I hear that ”Close to 100,000 Voter Registrations Were Challenged in Georgia – Almost All by Just Six Right-Wing Activists,” I am reminded that citizens participating more in democracy is generally a good thing – but citizens trampling on the rights of other citizens just so their preferred candidates can win is a bad thing. If you’ve struggled with homelessness, mental illness, drug addiction, or cancer – or were doing traveling work – you’d be pretty annoyed at some right-winger making you jump through extra hoops just to vote. And if you’ve got time to challenge tens of thousands of voter registrations at once, why aren’t you, I don’t know, feeding the poor?
Harold Meyerson at the American Prospect describes “Biden’s Unheralded War on Poverty,” one in which a few indices of economic inequality have actually reversed themselves by 25 percent. I think the pandemic made a lot of workers think a lot harder about their jobs, but I also agree that spending nearly $2 billion on an actual stimulus bill did a lot of good in just two years, and we’ll find out shortly what the infrastructure bill and the Inflation Reduction Act were able to accomplish. And remember: when right-wingers complain that “no one wants to work,” they really mean no one wants to work for dung pellets.
The Progress Action Fund runs one of the greatest political ads ever made, in which a man and a woman about to get it on in their bedroom has their condom stolen by a Republican Congressperson who won’t leave. My description surely doesn’t do it justice, so go see the ad, and then wonder, as I often do, why Democrats don’t run ads like this all the time. OK, I know why they don’t run ads like that – because they still listen to the center-right consultants who tell them that “independent voters are turned off by incivility.” You know what really turns off independent voters? Democrat weakness.
Uh oh: event organizing software corporation IRL shuts down after an internal investigation finds that 19 out of every 20 of its users are fake – in that they’re either “automated or from bots.” Of course IRL raised $200 million and valued itself at almost $1.2 billion, lately laying about a quarter of its workforce a mere year after tripling its size, all of which means a big chunk of our financial sector are either unbelievably stupid or simply don’t care about doing the hard work of maintaining a civilization. Considering how much money banksters have thrown around over a company that’s not terribly innovative, I’m inclined to think it’s the latter.
Florida veterans allege that the state’s recently-revived state guard is becoming a “personal militia” for Gov. Ron DeSantis. Why does an “emergency-focused, civilian defense force” need to be barked at by R. Lee Ermey wannabes? One of the veterans making the allegations thinks thinks Mr. DeSantis doesn’t know what’s going on or would disapprove of what’s going on, both of which I find highly improbable. Again, even though only a quarter of the electorate is bat-guano insane, that’s not the same all over America; I suspect fascism is what a majority of Floridians want. I hope the rest of them get organized.
Finally, speaking of fascist Florida, a Congressional hopeful tells an adoring crowd that what we really need to do in America is “extinguish the left.” I’ve been saying for a long time that right-wingers want to exterminate us, and now even they’re saying it out loud. This Anthony Sabatini fellow – with his stupid COVID “jokes” and his masturbating over a new civil war – is running in Florida’s deep red 11th district; current Rep. Daniel Webster has gone out of his way to court Donald Trump’s support, and while I would enjoy seeing Mr. Webster finish last in his own primary despite/because of his ass-kissing, that’d likely mean we’ll be getting more and more Sabatini drama over the next few years, and that isn’t a good trade.