Long story short: tell Florida Republicans to get rid of stupid teachings about slavery, and tell your Congressfolk to regulate airlines again and end legacy college admissions. Use the tools in the upper right-hand corner of this page (or, if you're on a cellphone, the bottom of this page) to find your Congressfolk's phone numbers and/or use the email/petition tools in the following paragraphs.
Care2 helps you tell Florida Republicans that Black slaves did not, in fact, “benefit” from slavery by learning “skills” they could use “later in life,” and to repeal educational standards forcing public school teachers to “instruct” their pupils as such. “Later in life,” Gov. DeSantis said! Of course slavery was always for life, and would still be so if we didn’t fight a damn war over it. Yes, we fought a war to end slavery! Don’t believe cynics and BS artists! Just as it’s good to celebrate what we did right, it’s evil to pretend what we did wrong wasn’t so bad, or was somehow “beneficial.” Folks with privilege can turn almost anything to their advantage. Did slaves have privilege? Of course not! And Florida needs to stop pretending otherwise.
Daily Kos helps you tell your Congressfolk that our government needs to start regulating airline corporations again. We haven’t regulated airlines for about 50 years, and among other things, that means you don’t get a complementary dinner on a two-hour flight anymore, but now on a much longer flight you have to pay through the nose to get a Panini sandwich that looks like it's been in a vending machine for months. Right-wingers will utter the word “regulation” with a sneer like anyone else feels that way about it anymore! More likely good Americans have become tired enough of cancelled flights and stranded families and lousy customer service that they would welcome a little government intervention.
Finally, the Daily Kos Liberation League helps you tell your Congressfolk to pass the Fair College Admissions for Students Act, which would prevent colleges from giving preferential treatment to children of their donors and alumni. Our Supreme Court struck down affirmative action in college admissions, but did nothing about all the failsons of rich donors that elite colleges admit all the time; indeed, those failsons include our last two Republican Presidents. I’m sure right-wingers will pretend to agree with us – but will argue that laws mandating fair treatment aren’t necessary! You’d be within your rights to ask: then what are laws for?