Long story short: tell PA state Senators to keep preventive health care cost-free and help good Pennsylvanians shed their medical debt, and tell your Congressfolk to pass the College for All Act and reject the so-called Tax Cuts for Working Families Act. Use the tools in the upper right-hand corner of this page (or, if you're on a cellphone, the bottom of this page) to find your Congressfolk's phone numbers and/or use the email/petition tools in the following paragraphs.
Pennsylvania residents, take note of some good news for once: the state House has passed HB 1050, which would insure that good Pennsylvanians can continue to get preventive health care cost-free, as well as HB 78, which would help good Pennsylvanians get rid of their medical debt. Generally if you don’t get medical treatment, you don’t get well, so don’t listen to anyone who tells you that folks with a lot of medical debt are somehow “deadbeats.” And cost-free preventive health care reduces health care costs down the line, regardless of the bleating of the “religious” “freedom” crowd. Now these bills go to the state Senate, so the Pennsylvania Health Access Network helps you tell your state Senators to keep preventive health care free and ensure that medical debt doesn’t cripple the good citizens of the Commonwealth.
RISE helps you tell your Congressfolk to pass the College for All Act, which would make community colleges tuition-free and public colleges tuition-free for families making under $125,000 a year. Some people will never listen to anything about how college shouldn’t cost an arm and a leg, but they should know that public colleges were once, in fact, free in California until the late 1960s. They should also remember that college never cost so damn much as it does now. And if you’re susceptible to propaganda about Starbucks baristas with Gender Studies degrees, note well that public community colleges, which actually do a good job at vocational training, are the freest colleges under this legislation.
Finally, Moms Rising helps you tell your Congressfolk to vote against the so-called Tax Cuts for Working Families Act, which would extend the Trump tax cuts for the rich. We’ve been trying to get real tax cuts for working families for years – like that massive Child Tax Credit expansion that put $250 or $300 checks in working family bank accounts. That was $250 or $300 per child, too! But the Republican plan is always the same: throw crumbs to working families, but cut rich people’s taxes by tens of thousands of dollars, and that’s what this latest bill would do. The good news is most Americans don’t buy their BS anymore, or else Democrats would have a lot fewer seats in our House and Senate. Still, we’ve got to get in their grills.