Long story short: tell our Department of Justice to investigate Mika Westwolf’s death, tell Pennsylvania state legislators to better protect good Pennsylvanians from fracking, and tell Delaware state legislators to let felons vote and not to let corporations vote. Use the tools in the upper right-hand corner of this page (or, if you're on a cellphone, the bottom of this page) to find your legislators' phone numbers and/or use the email/petition tools in the following paragraphs.
First things first: MoveOn helps you tell our Department of Justice to investigate the suspicious death of Mika Westwolf, a 22-year-old Native American woman killed while walking along Montana’s Route 93 on March 31. That’s almost three months ago, good peoples, and with the Montana Highway Patrol refusing to release dash cam and body cam footage, and with no nearby businesses being contacted, apparently, for surveillance footage, it sure does seem like justice will come slowly, as it tends to do for Black and Brown folks in America. Oh, and the main suspect has Aryan Nations ties; you’d sure hate to think the police might want to sweep this under the rug for that reason. So let’s find that out.
Pennsylvania residents, take note: Food and Water Watch helps you tell state House Environmental Resource and Energy Committee members to let HB 170 get a full vote by the state House. HB 170 would increase the amount of space between gas drilling sites and schools, hospitals, and water wells, and would also set much longer setback distances for hydrofracturing (or “fracking”) operations; the bill would further prescribe minimum distances between hospitals and other potentially hazardous sites. The only argument against HB 170 is that gas drilling executives don’t have enough money to gild the plumbing in their 19th vacation homes yet, so we ought to pass it.
Finally, Delaware residents, take note: Common Cause helps you give felons the right to vote and reject a bill that would give corporations the right to vote. Nobody should have their right to vote taken away no matter what they’ve done, period, end of sentence. And a corporation is a thing, not a person, period, end of sentence. They’re actually selling giving corporations the right to vote – corporations headquartered in Delaware but with no other presence there, I feel compelled to add – as a way to boost turnout. I’m so old-fashioned I think serving your constituents is the best way to boost turnout. Maybe they should try that.