Long story short: tell tell Delaware state legislators to kill a bill that would give corporations the right to vote there, and tell your Congressfolk to repeal both the debt limit and the Comstock Act. Use the tools in the upper right-hand corner of this page (or, if you're on a cellphone, the bottom of this page) to find your Congressfolk's phone numbers and/or use the email/petition tools in the following paragraphs.
Delaware residents, take note: Common Cause helps you tell Delaware state legislators to reject HB 121, which would give artificial entities – like corporations, trusts, and partnerships – the same right to vote in elections that actual people have right now. I trust I don’t have to explain why that’s the stupidest idea anyone ever had – corporations and other artificial “people” already have too much power to do evil, and if we give them the right to vote on top of that, we might as well just let fascism in through the front door. Now, this is a state bill, not a federal one, but this is also an idea that could spread like a superbug, first to other states and then to our Congressfolk. So, to quote a phrase, let’s kill it in its crib.
In the wake of this latest debt limit “deal,” Daily Kos helps you tell our President and Congressfolk to get rid of the debt limit for good. Because they only use it for evil, that’s why! And not just when Republicans have control of at least one House of Congress, either – you recall it was like pulling teeth to get it done in late 2021 when Democrats nominally controlled both Houses of Congress, right? And I bet you still have bad memories of the debt limit hostage crises of 2011 and 2013. Anyway, now’s probably the best time to tell your Congressfolk you never want to see a stupid drama like this again. We’ll have to tell them again and again, but no use holding our tongues now.
Finally, Daily Kos also helps you tell your Congressfolk to repeal the Comstock Act, which prohibits our Postal Service from delivering obscene materials or abortion medicines (among other things). With the fall of Roe v. Wade, right-wingers have gone crazy citing the Comstock Act, though Congress passed it in 1873 when the world was a lot different – one could argue that at that time that you would more likely get unsafe abortion medications through the mail than safe ones. You would have a tough time arguing that today, though right-wingers will try. Let’s not deign to argue with bullshitters, though – let’s just get rid of the law they want to use to hurt women.