Long story short: tell the Biden Administration to enforce federal child labor laws more vigorously, tell our government to remove Judge Aileen Cannon from the Trump indictment, and tell our EPA to enact the most vigorous mercury/air toxin regulations possible Use the email/petition tools in the following paragraphs to communicate your will.
Patriotic Millionaires helps you tell the Biden Administration to enforce child labor laws more vigorously, especially now that states are starting to make child labor legal again! You know, because “no one wants to work” – which you may more reasonably read as “no one wants to work for dung pellets” -- except for young kids who’ve never had to make a budget and thus don’t know that $7.25/hour won’t help them get a one-bedroom apartment or pay their water, electricity, or internet bills. Children are either The Future or they’re just another labor pool to exploit; they can’t be both – but it’s moot if the Biden Administration doesn’t do their job.
Care2 helps you demand that U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon have the Trump indictment taken from her. Normally federal judges get cases at random – unless they were involved in some way with those cases before. But that shouldn’t be reason enough to give it to Judge Cannon, since her involvement consisted largely of hindering our Justice Department’s review of documents, her grasp of the law in her orders so tenuous that the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals overturned them. Of course I don’t have to mention which diaper-loaded brat of a President appointed her. But Judge Cannon should not oversee the Trump indictment for the same reason you wouldn’t let someone rebuild your house just because they had experience burning it down.
Finally, Penn Environment helps you tell our Environmental Protection Agency (or EPA) to protect us from mercury and other airborne toxins as vigorously as possible. Don’t believe the hype that “the air is so much cleaner now, so now the EPA is just killing jobs.” We have to work to keep our air clean from the moment we become conscious of that need until the moment we pass from this Earth, and we don’t get to stick a “Mission Accomplished” banner on that effort merely because we want to, or because some big polluting corporation says so. The price of civilization is constant vigilance; I’d hate to be in a foxhole with anyone who thinks otherwise. But I’m happy to protect the air they breathe, too.