Long story short: tell DeKalb County’s District Attorney to drop charges against the fund bailing out Cop City protestors, tell Thermo Fisher to stop helping China collect DNA on Tibetans, and tell our EPA to regulate petrochemical pollution as vigorously as possible. Use the email/petition tools in the following paragraphs to communicate your will.
Color of Change helps you tell DeKalb County District Attorney Sherry Boston to drop “money laundering” and “charity fraud” charges against the Atlanta Solidarity Fund, which has been paying bail for Cop City protestors arrested on trumped-up “domestic terrorism” charges. Think of how a government might call any charitable donation you might make, to a cause you believe in, “domestic terrorism” and I think you see the problem here. Plus they’re protesting the construction of a police training center in an urban forest; do police really feel “terrorized” by protests? Do we? Let’s reserve words like “terror” for those who actually blow things up and mass-murder people.
Eko helps you tell Thermo Fisher Scientific to stop helping the Chinese government collect DNA samples from Tibetans. You don’t have to know that Tibet has been an “autonomous region” of China for over 70 years, or that China has met Tibetan protests with all the repressions a modern police state deploys, to see that Thermo Fisher has aided and abetted evil here, and we can help stop that by deploying, once again, the Big Stick of Bad PR. Unfortunately, by “once again” I also mean that Thermo Fisher also supplied DNA kits to China to be used in Uyghur labor camps. But while it may feel like our work as civilized people is never done, it’s still the best work in the world.
Finally, the Environmental Defense Fund helps you tell our Environmental Protection Agency (or EPA) to protect us from petrochemical pollution as vigorously as possible. You probably already know the story: our EPA has proposed pretty good regulations, but they could be better! They could, for example, strengthen leak-detection requirements and monitor more petrochemical plants at the fenceline, so we’ve got to communicate our will. You know the big petrochemical corporations will be communicating their will, which will be comprised of word salad about “stifling innovation” and “killing jobs” and “the burden of compliance,” so we’ve got to get ahead of that noise. And remember: “compliance” isn’t a “burden” when you’re not trying to cheat.