Long story short: tell our FTC to make it easier for us to end subscriptions, and tell our EPA to regulate PFAS chemicals and factory farm waste. Use the email/petition tools in the following paragraphs to communicate your will.
More Perfect Union helps you tell our Federal Trade Commission (or FTC) to make it far easier for us to cancel subscriptions to services ranging from gyms to streaming services. Our FTC has proposed a “click to cancel” rule, meaning if you sign up for a subscription with a single click on your computer, you should be able to cancel it with one click, too. That’s a great idea, not least because we’ve all kept paying for things we’re not using merely because they’re tough to cancel (over $700 for a gym I stopped using, in my case). But you know big corporations will whine at length about their “right” to unearned money, so we’ve got to make sure our FTC hears us.
The National Resources Defense Council helps you tell our Environmental Protection Agency (or EPA) to enact the most vigorous anti-PFAS chemical rule possible. They call them “forever chemicals” because they don’t break down very easily either in our air and water or in our bodies. And kids, especially, need less of this crap in their lives, since scientists have linked PFAS chemicals to developmental issues, as well as cancer and immune suppression. The big plastic corporations whine to our EPA about how hard it is to overhaul their production lines, but they’re sitting on record profits like every other big corporation, and America is a can-do country. So, again, we’ve just got to be louder than them.
Finally, Penn Environment helps you tell our EPA to stop factory farms from polluting our clean water with their liquid manure. Factory farms produce pig and cow poop by the ton, and that poop overwhelms water tables and makes our water undrinkable; factory farms often store all that poop in lagoons, but all it takes is one big storm to break that lagoon wide open. How often do big storms come along these days? They say “economies of scale” make everything better, but they don’t, and we’ve enabled the big ag corporation at the expense of the small farmer for far too long. If our EPA can get a hold of factory farm waste, we can start bringing big ag to heel.