Long story short: tell your Congressfolk to strengthen banking regulations, reject the so-called Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act, and pass the Ensuring Women’s Right to Reproductive Freedom Act. Use the tools in the upper right-hand corner of this page (or, if you're on a cellphone, the bottom of this page) to find your Congressfolk's phone numbers and/or use the email/petition tools in the following paragraphs.
Patriotic Millionaires helps you tell your Congressfolk to make our banking regulations stronger. Specifically, you’ll ask Congress to insist that banks with over $50 billion in assets follower stricter regulations; that’s what the Dodd-Frank Act did in 2010, but in 2018 Congress raised that limit to $250 billion – and one of the most ardent supporters of that change was none other than the CEO of the Silicon Valley Bank that recently failed! Why, it’s almost like that was the whole idea. We shouldn’t stop there – I eagerly await the “outlaw hedge funds” action alert – but we can certainly communicate our will on this particular matter right now, while the iron’s hot, as it were.
The National Women’s Law Center helps you tell your Congressfolk to reject the so-called Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act, which would merely prevent any transgender or intersex kids from participating in school sports. Too many politicians don’t want to solve real problems – like, hey, we fund boys’ sports way more than we fund girls’ sports, and too many kids get sexually abused by folks they trust – but they sure do have time to swing their balls in our faces about transgender folks. And for the umpteenth time, no boys are going to become girls just to excel in girls' sports that (at best!) they'll spend the rest of their life getting paid less to do! It's like they don't remember what being a hormone-addled teenager was like – or hope you don't.
Free and Fair Democracy helps you tell your Congressfolk to pass the Ensuring Women’s Right to Reproductive Freedom Act. This bill would prohibit state law enforcement from preventing women from crossing state lines to get abortions where they’re legal, and would not only empower state Attorneys General to enforce such a law, but for private citizens to get civil relief under such a law. Maybe Marco Rubio will call such a thing a boon for trial lawyers! Which would be a clever way of saying nothing about abortion, I suppose. Anyway, why do we need so many trial lawyers? Because we have so many powerful wrongdoers!