Long story short: tell your Congressfolk to reject the so-called “FAIR” Tax, pass the No Tax Breaks for Outsourcing Act, institute a windfall tax on big corporations, and pass the Billionaire Minimum Income Tax Act and the Stock Buyback Accountability Act. Use the tools in the upper right-hand corner of this page (or, if you're on a cellphone, the bottom of this page) to find your Congressfolk's phone numbers and/or use the email/petition tools in the following paragraphs.
Daily Kos helps you tell your Congressfolk to reject the so-called “FAIR” Tax. Having trouble imagining the damage a 30% sales tax would do to your bank account? How about adding 30% not just to your grocery bill, but to your rent or your mortgage, too? And if you’re thinking maybe Republicans will smarten up and nominate someone sane to be our next President, recall that Ron DeSantis, Mike Pence, Nikki Haley, and Tim Scott have all supported the FAIR Tax. Indeed, Donald Trump has supported it rather more tepidly than any of these! Supporting 30% inflation should seriously end all their campaigns, but it won’t, unless we speak out in numbers no one can deny.
The Institute for Taxation and Economic Policy has written about the No Tax Breaks for Outsourcing Act, which would prevent big corporations from reporting profits amounting to ten times the entire economic output of a nation (as they’ve done with the Cayman Islands). The Trump tax “reform” lets corporations pay a lower rate on offshore profits – which means corporations pretend they make money elsewhere so they can pay less taxes on it! If they paid more of their fair share, we’d have better roads and bridges, and we’d also have better public services, like Medicare and paid family/medical leave. So you may want to call your Congressfolk and tell them to pass this bill.
The Juggernaut Project helps you tell your Congressfolk to pass a windfall profits tax on big corporations. Again: when you see high inflation and record profits at the same time, you don’t need an economics degree to know you’re getting screwed. Actually, an economics degree might be a positive impediment to knowing you’re getting screwed, but I digress. We need to let big corporations know that their greed has consequences; our government has done a pretty crap job of that for the last 40 years, but certainly not for lack of effort on our part. And the fact is, we’re right and they’re wrong, and just as being wrong should have consequences, being right should have rewards.
Finally, Daily Kos helps you tell your Congressfolk to pass the Billionaire Minimum Income Tax Act and the Stock Buyback Accountability Act. The former bill would tax a billionaire’s actual wealth and not just the small part they realize from selling their assets every so often, while the latter bill would increase the tax on stock buybacks from one percent to four percent, so that big corporations do less buying back of their own stock and more investing in the actual work they do. Both would start us back on the path to actual fair taxation in America, so we should get in our Congressfolk’s grills about them.