Long story short: tell your Congressfolk to investigate the Live Nation/Ticketmaster monopoly, investigate Justice Thomas’s alleged conflicts of interest, and pass a Billionaire’s Minimum Income Tax. Use the tools in the upper right-hand corner of this page (or, if you're on a cellphone, the bottom of this page) to find your Congressfolk's phone numbers and/or use the email/petition tools in the following paragraphs.
Demand Progress helps you tell your Congressfolk to investigate the Live Nation/Ticketmaster monopoly. Yes, Live Nation (which assimilated Ticketmaster in 2010) is a monopoly, given that they control 70% of the live event market, and last month’s Taylor Swift presale tickets scandal doesn’t begin to tell the full story of how badly they serve that market – Ticketmaster also keeps a good chunk of those notorious fees they’re not supposed to keep, plus their lax security lets scalpers buy up tickets in bulk and charge concert-goers even more money. So it turns out MTV didn’t kill the live show – ticket monopolies did. Good Americans deserve better, so our Congressfolk should do better.
Daily Kos helps you tell your Congressfolk to investigate Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas’s alleged conflicts of interest. You know, like his wife openly colluding to overthrow our government on January 6! Naturally he’s ruled the wrong way on January 6-related matters that have come before the court since then, and though he might be able to argue that his rulings are entirely consistent with the philosophy he’s expressed on our Court for 30 years, c’mon, we’re not schmucks. I long to live in an America where people are shamed out of their status for being corrupt! But if we want that world, we have to demand it, and work for it.
Finally, Americans for Financial Reform helps you tell your Congressfolk to pass a Billionaire’s Minimum Income Tax before they go home for the holidays. It’s hard to get such things through Congress, but the more we demand it the harder we make it for Congress to ignore us. And one more time: nobody “earns” a billion dollars. Billionaires get where they are not through “talent” or “hard work” but because they leverage their privilege and their wealth to hurt other people. And if we want to be a sane, moral, and decent civilization again, we need to tax billionaires a lot harder.