Long story short: tell your Congressfolk to reform pot laws, help good Americans when trade agreements take their jobs away, and pass some big tech anti-monopoly bills. Use the tools in the upper right-hand corner of this page (or, if you're on a cellphone, the bottom of this page) to find your Congressfolk's phone numbers and/or use the email/petition tools in the following paragraphs.
Progress America helps you tell your Congressfolk to reform our marijuana laws. Specifically, you’d ask your Congressfolk to expunge criminal records of folks convicted of pot offenses; since more than two out of three Americans think pot should be legal now, it’s a bit of a head-scratcher that past pot convictions could keep good Americans from voting or getting jobs or apartments. And if anyone tries to tell you well, sometimes the consequences of your actions don’t seem fair – an argument that’s not odious in and of itself – then kindly refer them back to the part of this paragraph that says “more than two out of three Americans think pot should be legal now.”
Public Citizen helps you tell your Congressfolk to reauthorize the Trade Adjustment Assistance (or TAA) program. TAA has helped good Americans survive the havoc wreaked by “free” trade deals for 40 years, but Congress let it expire earlier this year, and though we’ve largely stopped making “free” trade deals and yes Donald Trump deserves some credit for that, we’ve still got plenty of “free” trade deals on the books, and they’re still outsourcing our jobs. Not for nothing, but you’ll also be advocating that your Congressfolk do not hold TAA hostage to “free” trade “fast-tracking” authority. “Fast-tracking” trade deals, without debate or amendment, is a straight-up fascist move. Yeah, I said it.
Finally, More Perfect Union helps you tell your Senators to demand a vote on a pair of House-passed big tech monopoly bills, H.R. 3816/S. 2992, the American Innovation and Choice Online Act, and H.R. 5017/S. 2710, the Open App Markets Act. Both bills – passed in an actual bipartisan manner for once! – would loosen big tech corporations’ strangleholds over product searches and app stores, but our Senate hasn’t moved on them; you’d hate to think it’s because of all the big tech money Senate Majority Leader Schumer’s gotten. And you know a Kevin McCarthy-ish House won’t do jack about this, either, so the time for action, as usual, is now.