Long story short: tell our FTC to investigate the proposed Kroger/Albertsons merger, tell big tech corporations to protect our data, and tell our DOL to crack down on corporate misclassification of workers. Use the email/petition tools in the following paragraphs to communicate your will.
Demand Progress helps you tell our Federal Trade Commission (or FTC) to investigate the proposed Kroger/Albertsons merger, which would merge at least a dozen grocery store chains into one bloated corporation. Sound like a good idea to you? Only if you enjoy job losses, higher prices, fewer choices, fewer stores, and less local control over groceries! Executives love that crap, because it enables them to pay themselves more money, but they shouldn’t get all the say about everything. Oh, and this merger would also enable hedge fund banksters to bleed Albertsons dry as a condition of the merger! Why, it’s like they negotiated this merger in the Bizarro world! So let’s put a stop to it.
The Kairos Fellowship helps you tell big tech corporations like Google and Meta to protect our personal data a lot more vigorously than they do now. Many folks have kinda given up and said there’s just no privacy on the internet, and maybe that sentiment induces folks to put up fewer shirtless photos of themselves on their newsfeed, but it more likely induces them to just give up on protecting their privacy, though corporations have no inherent right to sell your personal data just because you’ve given it to them. Seriously, why must everything be for sale? And not for nothing, but with the end of Roe v. Wade, we sure don’t want corporations selling our personal data to anti-abortion activists.
Finally, More Perfect Union helps you tell our Department of Labor (or DOL) to crack down on corporate misclassification of their workers. Big corporations be all like all our workers are contractors LOL so they can avoid giving workers health insurance and paid time off – and also so they can avoid paying their legally-mandated half of Social Security and Medicare taxes! Should they be allowed to do that, merely because it’s “clever”? Folks think of a lot of “clever” things I don’t think of, but the reason I don’t think of them is I’m not constantly trying to get over on the rest of the world. And people who are shouldn’t get all the say about everything.