Long story short: tell your PA state legislators to oppose yet another “sore loser” bill, tell your Congressfolk to enact a Millionaire’s Surtax and pass paid family/medical leave, and tell your Senators to confirm Gigi Sohn as FCC Commissioner. Use the tools in the upper right-hand corner of this page (or, if you're on a cellphone, the bottom of this page) to find your Congressfolk's phone numbers and/or use the email/petition tools in the following paragraphs.
Pennsylvania residents, take note: Common Cause helps you tell your state legislator to reject SB 106, which would propose state constitutional amendments outlawing abortion, imposing Voter ID, and creating a body that would conduct endless election “audits” whenever Republicans don’t like the result. They’re proposing these amendments because they’ve lost all these battles already and they don’t want a Democratic governor vetoing any bills they’d enact on these topics, so we’d best call SB 106 a sore loser bill. Just so happens you can say so in the petition’s comment section. I did, and I sure feel a lot better. They're a bunch of damn snowflake crybabies.
Americans for Tax Fairness helps you tell your Senators they’d damn well better pass a Millionaire’s Surtax as part of whatever agreement they’re hammering out concerning climate change and prescription drug prices. News reports have said Democrats are leaving the Millionaire’s Surtax out, likely because of the opposition of 50 Senate Republicans and Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D?-AZ), whose excuses for opposing higher taxes on the rich are straight out of Paul Ryan’s playbook from 10 years ago. Arizona residents may want to call Sen. Sinema especially; she won’t listen, since you don’t own a yacht, but let’s demonstrate that she ignores her constituents’ will.
Moms Rising helps you tell your Congressfolk to pass a federal paid family leave program. Moms Rising reminds us that paid family /medical leave is even more important now that abortion won't be legal in more than half of America's states! It is pretty simple, really: if folks are going to have to drive 12 hours to get an abortion, and many folks who need an abortion will have to do that, then they need a federal paid family/sick leave program so that they still have a job when they get back. You'll recall that 50 Republicans and Joe Manchin (D?-WV) killed the paid family leave program late last year; they still call it a handout, though if our taxes pay for a program and then we use the program -- which all of us almost certainly will! -- it's hardly a handout, is it?
Finally, Daily Kos helps you tell your Senators to confirm Gigi Sohn as FCC Commissioner already. Stop me if you’ve heard this before, but 50 Republican Senators oppose her, but a few Democratic Senators are also still “contemplating” her nomination, although, again, I don’t see what there is to “contemplate” here. Gigi Sohn helped put together the Open Internet Order of 2016, which codified into law net neutrality, the principle that corporations should treat all network traffic equally, meaning that you, not them, get to control your internet experience! Naturally the Trump FCC repealed it, because hate corruption cruelty, so our Senators have to make this right, by putting Ms. Sohn on our FCC.