Long story short: tell your Congressfolk to protect contraception and same-sex marriage rights and pass the billionaire mininum income tax, and tell our Postal Service to make more of their mail trucks electric. Use the tools in the upper right-hand corner of this page (or, if you're on a cellphone, the bottom of this page) to find your Congressfolk's phone numbers and/or use the email/petition tools in the following paragraphs.
Hip Hop Caucus helps you tell your Congressfolk to pass laws protecting birth control and same-sex marriage. Don’t listen to right-wingers telling you “it’s not necessary,” not when Justice Thomas explicitly said that our Supreme Court should use the Dobbs decision (the one overturning Roe v. Wade) against exactly these things! And certainly don’t listen to them saying “Democrats are just trying to distract from their failures fixing the economy,” when those very same Republicans have blocked everything Democrats tried to do! A lot of which – higher taxes on the rich, paid family/medical leave, Medicare drug price negotiation – would have made America a lot better! Yes, even for Republican voters.
Americans for Tax Fairness helps you tell your Congressfolk to pass a billionaire minimum income tax. The bill (which Reps. Cohen and Beyer will introduce soon) would make sure every household worth over $100 million pays at least 20% of their worth every year – and worth includes all the unsold assets that allow the super-rich to avoid paying taxes in the first place! Folks who think that’s unconstitutional should remember that we have an Estate Tax. And folks who feel sorry for those who’d pay this tax? They should remember that 20% of $100 million still leaves $80 million. They may also want to assess their chances of ever becoming that rich a bit more realistically.
Finally, the Climate Reality Project helps you tell our U.S. Postal Service to make more of their mail trucks run on electricity. Mail trucks go basically everywhere in America, so making them electric would level a serious blow against both pollution and climate change. Now, I couldn’t blame you for noticing that our USPS has decided to go 40% electric after getting a lot of flak from the American people about it. Hey, they compromised with us! Which is, after all, their job. But you know what our job is? To keep pressing our advantage until they comply with our will completely. Sound harsh? Hey, it’s what Republicans try to do literally all the time, and they don’t represent anyone but a bunch of assholes!