Long story short: tell your Pennsylvania state legislators to pass a right to repair bill, tell your Congressfolk to expand Social Security, and tell your Senators to confirm Gigi Sohn to our FCC. Use the tools in the upper right-hand corner of this page (or, if you're on a cellphone, the bottom of this page) to find your Congressfolk's phone numbers and/or use the email/petition tools in the following paragraphs.
Pennsylvania residents, take note: Penn PIRG helps you tell your PA state legislators to pass SB 998, a “right to repair” law which would force corporations that make “electronics and appliances that contain embedded software” to make “information and parts” available to “consumers and independent repair shops.” (All quoted passages are per SB 998’s memorandum.) The bill would also force corporations to “fully disclose any contract provision standing in the way of full repair and reuse,” and while I’d prefer to just make corporations stop “standing in the way of full repair and reuse” – which is a monopolistic practice, after all – this bill will improve matters and deserves to pass.
The Coalition on Human Needs helps you tell your Congressfolk to expand Social Security benefits by $200/month, and raise the payroll tax ceiling so income over $250,000 can be taxed into the system to pay for it. With bankster Blake Masters actually running on privatizing Social Security in the Arizona Senate race, and with Sen. Lindsey Graham putting privatization on the table like anyone should run to him for advice, you know it’s just a matter of time before our “liberal” media start crying about Social Security running out of money like it never does. Better to get ahead of the drama by demanding more benefits and specifying how you’d (very easily) pay for them.
Finally, Daily Kos helps you tell your Senators to confirm Gigi Sohn as our fifth FCC Commissioner. Of course we don’t expect Ms. Sohn, as one of the architects of net neutrality, to get any Republican votes – only Republican voters like net neutrality, not Republican politicians! But a few recalcitrant Democrats are saying they just don’t know whether to vote for her. I don’t know why this is such a hard decision for anyone to make. She had me at “one of the architects of net neutrality.” Apparently she had Joe Biden there, too, because he’s nominated her twice. So our Senators need to do their damn job.