Long story short: tell our FDIC to stop predatory lenders, tell President Biden to do more for police reform, tell our EPA to curb cross-state pollution, tell our government to protect DACA recipients, and tell our USPS Board of Governors to fire Postmaster General DeJoy. Use the email/petition tools in the following paragraphs to communicate your will.
Americans for Financial Reform helps you tell our FDIC to stop predatory lenders from laundering their three-digit interest loans through banks our FDIC supervises. These banksters also work through furniture stores, pet stores, car mechanics, and the like, offering loans for love seats and pets and car repairs and the like that don't charge interest if they're paid off in 90 days -- but charge up to 225% interest if they're not, which they generally won't be, since folks don't have much in savings anymore, and just try to turn such a loan down when they've got your car in the shop! Scheming sure is easier than working, but there's no reason we should allow this kind of scheming, particularly through federally-insured banks.
Roots Action helps you tell President Biden to go much further than his police reform Executive order does. The order bans military vehicles for police departments -- unless those departments say they'll use them only for disasters and the like. A police department that says they need a tank for disasters won't use it on protestors? Yeah sure. We're hearing these days that police "need" even more military equipment so they can deal with school shooters, but I think their inaction during the Uvalde mass murder has pretty much exposed that argument's bald spot for everyone to see. Those cops didn't act like your TV heroes, after all, and more weapons ain't gonna change that.
The Climate Reality Project helps you tell our EPA to finalize the most vigorous cross-state pollution rule possible. Cross-state pollution (particularly with nitrous oxide) is a real thing; air pollution doesn't just say whoa hold up when it gets to a state line, after all, nor can downwind states simply build barriers to keep upwind states' pollution out. You can already hear right-wingers whine how are those poor, poor power plants supposed to control what crosses state lines? Here's a response: same way you control your urge to say racist crap: just don't do it. Far too often I sound like the real conservative when I talk to right-wingers. Why, it's like they're not really conservative at all!
The Daily Kos Liberation League helps you tell our government to permanently protect recipients of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (or DACA) program. The DACA program helps immigrants who arrive here as minors stay here, as long as they meet fairly strict standards (military service, college attendance, no felonies). After all, forcing them to go back to nations that don't know them, to make them pay for decisions they had nothing to do with, is cruel. And though our Supreme Court protected DACA recipients last time they ruled on the matter, don't think they'll do it again. They've been killing precedents like kitchen ants lately.
Finally, Common Cause helps you tell our USPS Board of Governors to fire Postmaster General Louis DeJoy. Our Senate has finally -- finally! -- confirmed the last two Biden nominees to the USPS Board of Governors, so they ain't got no excuse now: Louis DeJoy has got to go. He tried to sabotage voting-by-mail, he had investments with a (now-former) USPS Board member, he had his hands in the corporation that just so happened to make COVID tests for our USPS, and he's implemented a higher-cost, worse-service plan that no executive in his right mind would have implemented anywhere 50 years ago. And note well that "worse service" could well mean "you don't get your life-saving meds when you need them."